• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Oh, corruption is going to thrive under Trump. Did you not notice that last time around? Did you not notice the fake charities, the tax payer money funneled into Mar-a-Lago, the hundreds of millions going to Trump PACs, the money going to the Trump hotel in Washington DC, all the corruption and bribes and schemes?

    And the fun thing is that now that Trump knows how to do all of this, how to funnel millions into his own pocket, a second Trump presidency is going to be corruption on steroids.

    The only thing that’s going to crumble are democratic norms and human rights in the United States.

  • Which is why they released women for the other 7 days. Love how this article contradicts itself in the first sentence.

    Here’s the entire sentence:

    Israeli official says Hamas doesn’t want to release remaining women because it doesn’t want them speaking publicly about what they endured on Oct. 7 and in their time in captivity

    which clearly implies that Hamas was fine releasing female hostages that were treated okay, but is refusing to release the remaining female hostages that have possibly been abused, raped, sexually mistreated.

    You obviously don’t have to agree with that analysis, but where exactly do you see the contradiction?

  • Another thing of course is that the banks are unhappy with not getting their share in money laundering, crime investments and tax evasion, like they do with government currencies. Cryptocurrencies could also democratize organized crime and not just leave it to the established ties between politics, banks and existing crime groups.

    I’m not sure that “cryptocurrencies make it much easier for criminals to launder money, finance criminal enterprises, evade taxes and for organized crime to funnel dark money and into politics and corrupt politicians” is the kind of pro-cryptocurrency argument you seem to imply it is.

  • From the article you’re commenting on:

    The suspects were said to have celebrated the attacks by Palestinian militant group Hamas on Israel on Oct. 7, and were accused of spreading hate speech against Jewish people on social media, using symbols of banned terrorist organizations, dpa reported.


    One suspect allegedly sent a sticker in a WhatsApp school class chat with the words “Gas the Jews.” Another person, a German-Turkish dual citizen, allegedly posted on his account that “the Jewish sons” deserved nothing more than to be “exterminated,” dpa reported.

    So probably more the category “celebrating antisemitic terrorism” and “calling for the extermination of all Jews.”

  • You decide:

    One suspect allegedly sent a sticker in a WhatsApp school class chat with the words “Gas the Jews.” Another person, a German-Turkish dual citizen, allegedly posted on his account that “the Jewish sons” deserved nothing more than to be “exterminated,” dpa reported.

    and from a German source:

    A German-Turkish defendant is said to have posted on his account that “the Jewish sons” deserved nothing more than to be slaughtered “and exterminated”.


    According to the LKA, a Turkish citizen posted a picture of Hitler shortly after October 7, adding: “I could kill all the Jews, but I left some alive to show you why I killed them.” Next to it, he posted a Palestinian flag, the caption “Free Palestine” and an emoji with a victory sign.

  • Indem man die Menschen, die ständig Terror vom russischen Staat erleben, als islamistische Terroristen brandmarkt schlägt man sich nun mal auf die Seite Putins, der die Unterdrückung mit genau dieser Begründung fortführt.

    Was für ein absoluter Schwachsinn.

    Niemand verleugnet die Unterdrückung der Menschen durch das sowjetische Regime oder durch das System Putins.

    Aber salafistische Extremisten, die Hass und Hetze predigen, die mit Gewalt einen Gottesstaat errichten wollen, die ein System der Unterdrückung und Unterwerfung basierend auf die Sharia einführen wollen, und die deshalb Menschen angreifen, Menschen ermorden und Terroranschläge verüben werden als “islamistische Terroristen” bezeichnet weil sie islamistische Terroristen sind - nicht, weil sie arme, missverstandene, von Putin unterdrückte Minderheiten sind, die man nur besser verstehen muss.

    Schau dir vielleicht noch mal an, wen genau du da so vehement verteidigst.

  • Und dass Dagestan auch schon immer muslimisch geprägt war, dass es dort auch Salafisten gibt, und dass diese - auch mit Gewalt - einen Gottesstaat errichten möchten ist eben auch wirklich keine Neuigkeit.

    In Dagestan gibt es Islamismus, in Dagestan gibt es einen bewaffneten islamistischen Militarismus, in Dagestan gibt es islamistische Terroranschläge.

    Ist aber natürlich ne tolle Masche, das eigene Nichtwissen im Brustton der Selbstgerechtigkeit hinauszuposaunen und jedem, der nicht deiner Meinung ist, gemeinsame Sache mit Putin zu unterstellen.