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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2024


  • Yes and no. I agree that camel vs snake or that stupid mNameThing that was popular for a while, doesn’t reeeeeaaally matter, although I would argue that convention over the language still has value. As an example, naming a Java variable with a capital letter would be confusing and annoying to any new devs joining the project, even if it’s a valid identifier. Also it’s handy to be able to look at something in ALL_CAPS and know that it’s probably a static final, without having to check it’s definition. I guess it’s about finding that line between useful conventions and pedantry.

  • Dear god please no. This way madness lies. Your idea of “whatever you think works best” is not going to line up with whatever the next person that comes along thinks, and your codebase is about to get all kinds of fucked up.

    Thinking code complete is going to save you is naive. Even in languages like C and Java, where it works best, you still need to be able to read and understand the code in context. There’s no hope in a language like Ruby with all it’s meta programming stuff

  • I did this once.

    I’m about 8 years older than my brother. So when he was about 6, and I was about 14, I had this habit of holding him around the back of his neck. Kinda thumb on one side, rest of the hand on his shoulder on the other side, never hard, or choking him, but it gave me good leverage to make sure he didn’t get lost and/or into mischief, particularly when we were in a shop or something.

    So anyway, we’re in this shop, and we’re looking around, and I hear my mom yell out “Kraiden, get your brother, we’re leaving.” So I grab my brother, and start leading him to the exit… except he isn’t coming… so I pull a bit harder and say “<Brother> come on, mom says we’re leaving.” Still nothing, so I tug a little harder “<Brother> Let’s go! Mom’s gonna get angry!” Nothing! So I look down.

    NOT MY BROTHER!!! Some kid, on his tippie toes, with my hand around his neck, absolutely REFUSING to take a step, probably out of sheer terror! Whoops! Did not feel good. DID NOT LOOK GOOD!!!

    Apologized profusely and left as quickly as I could! They still give me shit about it years later.

  • Did you even read the article? That’s literally what they’re calling for. The removal of subsidies.

    As for everyone needing to pitch in, just no. The vast majority of emissions come from sources outside public control. The “everyone needs to pitch in” and “watch your personal carbon footprint” crap is just effective marketing from BP.

    Not saying cutting down personal emissions is bad, every little helps…

    but it’s not a solution. We need to be holding the big emmiters accountable.

    The only realistic way to doing that is through inconvenient protests like blocking roads and making sure we can’t be ignored. How else do you force governments to turn on their benefactors?

    It’s been over 50 years now, and we’ve seen very little real movement on this. it’s been mostly token and empty gestures, and pandering. It’s time we stepped up our game.

    Soooo she’s got the right idea imo