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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Some of these things might just be the usual Windows problems…like with the heat and fan noise. I have seen huge differences in a few machines (x86 tablet/HP laptop/thinkpad) running Linux vs running Windows. The machines running Linux hardly make a peep until you play a game or compile something. On Windows they were hot and noisy af, night and day difference.

  • KrapKake@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.worldElden Ring on Debian 12
    13 days ago

    If you are super new to Linux I would suggest another distro besides Debian. Debian is great and I love it but it’s not set up out of the gate for games and newer people in general. Distros like Mint, ZorinOS, Bazzite, and Pop!OS are. Those distros will come with nvidia drivers or help you set up. Bazzite in particular is set up for gaming out of the box, I think it comes with steam and lutris pre installed.

  • I think their current modified gnome is the best desktop that exists anywhere. Cosmic is a full desktop environment with an actual (auto) tiling window manager… a combo I think should be more common in desktops. The way they implement the tiling makes it really easy for beginners to use because you can turn it on/off by keyboard shortcut or clicking the plugin icon, and because you can just drag n drop windows to change their tiled positions (along with keyboard shortcuts if preferred). It’s hard to go back regular “window managers”.

    The System76 devs have good ideas, they seem really cool, and sane! They have been a net positive for the Linux community and desktop development IMO. I am SO hyped for the new Cosmic DE!