• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • If your pull request doesn’t get merged in, you still learned just as much as if it did, so the time you spent doing it wasn’t wasted. In fact, people may make comments on it explaining why it won’t be merged in, so you’ll learn more than if it was.

    You don’t need to be an expert to start contributing—in fact, the best way to improve is to try to contribute, fail, and then learn how to improve next time you tackle and issue :)

    Also, your English is very readable. From this comment alone I can assure you it’s more than good enough for writing issues and pull requests. You’re doing great, just keep at it!

  • Homie, which states have ever actually implemented communism? Calling yourself “Communist” means about as much as North Korea calling themselves a" Democratic People’s Republic" if you don’t actually implement it’s ideas.

    Additionally, all attempts at democracy, and all instances of capitalism, have resulted in tyranny, because it’s just really hard to build a society that doesn’t do that no matter what governmental system and economic system you set out to establish.

    Even places like New Zealand or the Nordic countries which are much closer to a social democracy are tyrannical insofar as they participate, propagate, and benefit from a global network of capitalism that is only possible through the exploitation of hundreds millions, if not billions of people. Outsourcing your tyranny and exploitation to other places on the planet is still tyranny.and exploitation: it just has better PR.

  • Also running NixOS on my laptop. It took longer to configure than most distros since I had to learn more, but now that I understand the ecosystem better I feel like I can tinker with it so much faster that I’d be able to otherwise.

    Definitely a distro for more developer types who are fine figuring stuff out in their own, but if it works for you then it really works for you.

  • I think it’s worth it mostly because it’s really not hard to get to a point where you’re equally as efficient as you were before, and from there the sky’s the limit.

    It’s also really nice not to have to open a full gui to make quick edits to files.

    For me though, it’s not even the efficiency which brought me to it, it’s that it just feels so much nicer to use. Someone once told me it’s like using a really nice pen: it’s not going to make you a better writer but it will make writing a hell of a lot more enjoyable.