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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • Indeed, the difference between the two is that a driver has no responsibility for any debris already present on the road that they inadvertently caused to damage something. They are however responsible for damage caused by any object they themselves introduced to the roadway.

    The NASA equivalent would be pretty straightforward, they are not responsible for any space rocks that they accidentally disturbed from orbit and caused to land on your house, but they are fully responsible if thier own craft or parts thereof fell from space onto your house.

  • For building from scratch, which you will sometimes need to do for obscure programs that cant be handled by your standard package managers, I find chatGPT is actually a really helpful tool, despite the hate for it.

    If you dump your error logs into it, it will very quickly point out simple things like missing flags or incompatible library versions which might take a long time to resolve yourself if you’re not familiar with linux.

  • In the majority of cases you can anticipate what other drivers are doing based of subtle changes in speed or lane position. If someone is slowing and moving further to one side of the lane than they have been, it’s a pretty good indication they are preparing to turn.

    It would be nice if people could explicitly signal that by using their indicators, but most people are fairly predictable, and the subtle movements are there if you watch for long enough.

  • I would argue that the modern smartphone is different, but by no means better. Between the locked down operating systems and the lack of a physical keyboard they are great for consuming media through approved channels, but basically useless if you want to get any work done with them.

  • Consciousness and memory both require communication between different regions of the brain. It’s entirely possible that you were "alert’ amd responsive while still suffering a brain injury that prevented you from remembering any part of it.

    Anesthesia scares me for similar reasons. It halts the communication between different brain regions, and we know that people have no memories while under general Anesthesia, but are they lying there unable to move, suffering extreme agony throughout the surgery, and just unable to remember it afterwards?