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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I wonder if some of them feel similar to me. It just doesn‘t feel like a positive thing to put anyone into this world, which seems largely exploitative and hostile towards my economic class. All I have to look forward to is to work my whole life to pay the rent and food and all that for what? To destroy nature with everything one does or purchases, to participate in what is basically a pyramid scheme.

    For those that do feel similar I can say this, some subsidies for parents won‘t make us create more children, where I am we already give a lot of our taxes for the parents here and it doesn’t change my mind to get a few hundred € a month extra, which just about offsets some of the implicit cost of children anyway. They can punish, threaten, spread panic, or reward obedience and all that in any way they like, I won‘t put anyone into a similar existence to what I experience, simple as.

    So from my perspective, they‘d have to actually fix our economic situations for working class people first (much lower inequality and higher wages) and ALSO fix climate change, which I just don‘t see happening.

  • I get that frustration as well that you express, since it disrupted something you enjoy and that isn‘t pleasant. However, as the inaction by those in power mounts, so do the frustrations of otherwise powerless protesters and that is something happening regardless of any negative counter reactions they may also provoke.

    Already people have set themselves on fire in front of government buildings in the US for example and even that isn‘t yet the height of escalations that people can go to trying to get themselves to be heard. You can probably see why, as the climate reports we do hear get increasingly dark and various people and ecosystems on the planet experience negative effects.

  • The lack of demands and continued riots seemingly confound him, so in absence of any understanding, the old rich guy reaches for a familiar boogeyman.

    The issue is, he didn‘t fix or improve shit after the previous riots, which even had some demands. Nothing got met, nothing defused, it just got pushed away. So incidents like this death can light a spark and then it gets unleashed again.

    Perhaps it’s time we stop seeing these struggles as “lacking” something, but rather as determinate acts of negation with their own particular force, meaning, and history. To take seriously the content of struggles without demands, one must see them not as isolated events, but as moments within a history of developing antagonistic relations between capital and the life it subsumes.

  • Höre zum ersten Mal von dieser Stadt und es ist die Info, dass ich dort nicht hingehen soll. Ist auch ok, ich respektiere sowas absolut und werde die Stadt vermeiden wenn ich mal nach Kroatien komme.

    Es würden mich die ganzen Touristen wahrscheinlich auch nerven, wobei mich das Gesetz auch stören würde, weil ich ja einen kleinen Rollkoffer auch so zB. für kurze Trips im Inland verwende, also kann mir schon vorstellen, dass das den ein oder anderen Einwohner auch treffen könnte.

  • Ich hasse alle Werbung sowas von abgrundtief.

    Mein Gefühlsverlauf:

    Freude dabei das Wort Werbeverbot überhaupt mal zu lesen.

    Leichte Enttäuschung zu erfahren, dass es nur um Zuckerkram geht.

    Mittlere Enttäuschung zu erfahren, dass es anscheinend nur um das Ausstrahlen davon geht, welches ich sowieso schon aufgrund von Werbung seit 10+ Jahren vermeide.

    Große Enttäuschung, als ich diese bescheuerten Zeiten gelesen habe.

    Ich brauche irgendeine KI Brille auf denen ich Adblocker installieren kann um den Dreck der überall rumsteht und die Welt verschandelt auszublenden, weil sonst in ca. 30 Jahren bei der Demenz erwischt ihr mich vielleicht dabei wie ich mit einer Lanze gegen Werbetafeln kämpfe.