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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • One of Microsoft primary missions for much of the past 40 years was to target and extinguish Linux and open source, that is pretty oppositional.

    Also Microsofts dominant monopoly position held computer technology back 40 years. The real power of computers is in automation but Microsoft made sure everything function was an isolated GUI button and the world is a less developed place because of it. They violated the public trust.

  • I am an advocate for FOSS and run it on all my devices exclusively but the sad truth is that most FOSS is low quality software and doesn’t work well.

    You spend much more time trying to fix something in Linux and get it working than actually using it to do useful work.

    Linux reminds me a lot of an experience I had when I was 11. An old timer friend of my grandfather showed me his Ham radio setup. When we listened to others talking, they were ALL talking about their rigs and nothing else. So even though Ham radio is a communication method where you can talk about everything it turns out Ham operators just want to talk about Ham radio.

    Its the same thing for Linux. If you interested in using your computer to do useful work then Linux may not be the best use of your time. If however you are interested in playing around with OSes then Linux is great.

    The medium really is the message.