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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • “Ya, but don’t ask me who could win against Trump if not Biden, bEcAuSe aLL i kNoW iS biDeN bAd!!@@!@“

    Then why is he losing in the polls?

    “Ya, you can keep telling me how trump will be worse, and prove it, but aLL i kNoW iS bIDeN bad!@!@@!!”

    I cant remember 4 years ago, let alone now. Give me a recent history lesson I wont listen to. - JimSamtanko

    Ya, I couldn’t have even pointed to Palestine on a map a year ago, bUt aLL’s i kNoW iS, BiDeN BAAAAAD!!@!!@“

    Because it isnt a well known and popular nation of people, it is okay to genocide those people. - JimSamtanko

    You honestly think Trump wasn’t as bad as Biden? Really? I think we can all see why you’re here now.

    You’re here too, so I don’t quite get what you are saying. If you are guessing why I’m not on Reddit, its because I said Nazis deserve to die. I am against fascists. You know, Blue MAGA, OG MAGA, Nazis. All fascists should die.

  • Blue MAGA at its finest.

    “Ya, Biden got us into a genocide, BuT tRuMp WoUlD bE sO mUcH wOrSe!!@@!@”

    “Ya, Biden was the one who dropped 35 billion dollars for the militarization of police, BuT tRuMp WoUlD bE sO mUcH wOrSe!!@@!@”

    “Ya, Biden was the one who silenced and admonished peaceful protesters while commanding order, BuT tRuMp WoUlD bE sO mUcH wOrSe!!@@!@”

    The current conversation is “Trump would be so much worse”, but its like all of you forgot that he is going for a second term, and in his first term, while he was bad, he was not as bad as Biden. And you have no idea how much it fucking destroys me to say that about the leader of the party I used to so vehemently supported. But its just the case. All the bad things Trump did, Biden has continued, and Biden has come out with a host of things that are MUCH worse than anything that Trump ever did.

    We must reject the 2 party system.