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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It’s just the obvious trajectory of social media attention seeking within the disaffected aesthetic. Someone that loves to feel special and the center of attention picks a cause almost at random then throws themselves into the fray as loudly as possible.

    It’s always happened, you can see them in every community and aesthetic - conspiracy theories, political types, sports fans… Protest communities are especially attractive to attention seekers, it’s great for social media clout to pretend that you’re doing these crazy things for a bigger cause

  • Why would I care it’s probably stupid, all these groups have childishly stupid goals like ‘why don’t we just not use oil, I’m sure no one ever though of that, right?’ and ‘force everyone to live the lifestyle I personally happen to prefer’

    Their plan always overlooks the fact that total chaos would ensue if anyone ever tried what they’re demanding, if they had anything worthwhile to say they’d be saying it in the relevant places and people would be listening.

  • The sad reality for commercial porn lovers like yourself is the industry is doomed anyway, when we start fixing the poverty problem and transitioning from a greed based society it’ll be very hard to coerce women into forms of work like this. If we had a good UBI and housing program where people have access to resources to improve themselves and their material situation there aren’t going to be many women that choose to get fucked in the ass for several unsexy hours so the crew can film from all the right angles.

    You should probably join with the campaign to stop ai completely if you want to maintain a society where enough women find themselves desperate enough to do porn that it can sustain the industry - imagine if automation efficiency gains enabled localized manufacturing from locally sourced materials thus significantly lowering the cost of living for all! Even women in third world countries wouldn’t be poor enough to need to join the commercial porn industry.

    Yes sir if there’s one industry we need to protect it’s the one that uses poor and substance addicted women as sex objects to be exploited for capitalistic gain.

  • I’m not connecting it to sex I’m using them as examples of groups that if this was a Chinese forum we might be reading about and thinking they’re significant but were we to then ask a random American most wouldn’t have even heard of them and those that have would almost universally tell you are meaningless and not taken seriously.

    When using one thing as an example of a certain facet of something it’s generally understood that the other aspects aren’t important - the sun is round like a cricket ball doesn’t imply it’s the same size or that it’s used for sport.

  • You really don’t know what you’re talking about though, this is an often repeated talking point which comes from pretty much nothing, do you have any evidence for it or did you half read a headline in a meme post without realising the argument being made is ‘by allowing aid into Gaza it’s proping up Hamas’ because that’s where that ‘funding Hamas’ line actually comes from.

    Israel don’t let enough aid through and they’re the bad guys, they let aid through and they’re the bad guys - they don’t have a cease fire and they’re the bad guys, or they have a cease fire and fail to totally remove Hamas so again they’re the bad guys…

    Iran funds Hamas and sturs up trouble as a way of maintaining support at home and due to their fanatical religious ideals -that bit isn’t even sightly complicated, you don’t need conspiracy theories