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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • It wasn’t since 2008, it was more or less since Reaganomics and the neoliberal push in the west around the same time. It’s been the same shit ever since, and it’s 100% bipartisan. In fact, the worst offender since Reagan was definitely Slick Willy Clinton, who killed Glass-Steagall and introduced the telecommunications act of 1996, allowing for consolidation of every media empire and telecom network, which severely limited broadcast journalism’s investigative power. It’s been nothing but mega mergers and 1% fuckery ever since. The last chance was Occupy, anyone else remember the lack of coverage? I was in Europe at the time and had to watch fucking RT to see anyone talking about it. They will never let that happen again.

    What most of us need to remember, is that they never let it happen the first time around either.