I have a hard time believing “Lemonade” an album about her husband’s infidelity didn’t involve her contributions at the very least.
I have a hard time believing “Lemonade” an album about her husband’s infidelity didn’t involve her contributions at the very least.
I suspect you would find a huge chunk if CA’s military gear requires stuff from other states.
It wouldnt matter as IRL the tech industry would jump ship and most who would be involved in this understand that fact.
True but few are as important as CA.
So many people have no idea how the larger picture works but think they do. I hope Im in the camp that recognizes their limited grasp of the bigger picture.
Ironically had she remained closted these Nazis would be celebrating her as the ideal white man due to her legendary status with a chunk of Gen X and older.
Bianca Censori was walking around almost naked before she met Kayne.
I think you just made an incredibly strong argument for why the US would use it’s military to prevent this.
The tech companies would relocate as the US DOD will not give any contracts to the companies that remain. CA,WA, and OR aren’t going to be making a lot of money if they leave.
As someone not in these states I would support all efforts to retain Colorado. There’s a fuckload of critical infrastructure the USA requires that is in CO. It’s on a short list of states the USA cannot function well without- NY, CA, TX, CO, IL, and GA are all too important to the day to day functioning to let go.
No, it woukdn’t. A ton of California’s money comes from being part of the US economy. Redirecting all the money the state gets from being oart of the USA away from those states will change theor GDP considerably.
Every single tech firm that wants DOD money will have to leave those states. That will gut any potential gain you could expect.
Never going to happen. The USA will not let CA leave.
Yeah I have a buddy doing remote tv editing gigs who is not in NY or CA. It has been very difficult since the easy money dried up.
Is the only place in France with nice people Nice?
They want the 1950s without understanding that means buying a fraction of the amount of stuff most Americans have now.
You can’t just say the US are nazis. If they were Nazis they would shut down all gender study, homosexual study and remove all attempts to reduce social divisions. If they were Nazis they would be building concentration camps. If they were Nazis they would have weird forms of Christianity that justify enslavement, the concentration of wealth, and the spread of hate. Finally if they were Nazis they would be doing something super fucked up like resettling White South Africans who were “victims of racist policies”
Wait…we are doing or have done all of these? Looks like I was wrong about which flavor of fascist we elected.
How do your followers access the satellite to bring you back?
Nice try Auror but you’ll never catch me!
Im really good at doxxing people based off the useless skill they are proud of.
Beyonce like many big pop artists gets a songwriting credit if she performs on the song. This is standard as it gets you a cut of 5e sales. That being said, I have a hard time believing someone else wrote Lemonade.