Some lawyer is gonna argue its unsafe for a former president to be in prison
What, with his Secret Service bodyguards?
Some lawyer is gonna argue its unsafe for a former president to be in prison
What, with his Secret Service bodyguards?
But, given that the supreme court decided that the president is a god-king emperor, the fact that he can’t legally do it no longer really matters.
That’s what I was wondering about
It’s in the aur, so use yay or another aur helper to install it
As president, could Trump pardon himself?
But it starts a good conversation. It’s good to get a handle on other peoples experiences.
You can install Octopi or Pamac which both handle the standard repositories and the aur. I don’t know if they handle flatpak or snap though.
Window rules are working fine here but I only have a couple of simple ones. I seem to recall a problem with a lot of rules, like 50 or 60 but I can’t remember what the problem was.
If you have exactly the same image, then as far as I can tell, the only thing different is the hardware however unlikely it seems and it does seem unlikely.
I consider myself a prime candidate for bugs as I use quite a few widgets including third party ones and compile desktop effects from source but apart from afore-mentioned, nada. I sometimes wonder if it’s because I carefully choose my hardware to be Linux compatible even if it means not buying the latest and greatest. Maybe I’m just lucky 😬
Experienced none of that with openSUSE Tumbleweed or EndeavourOS. The only bug I have is a panel mis-sized when first logging in but that seems to be fixed in 6.3.
Hacking from a viewpoint of testing: How to break web software. It’s quite old but the techniques are still valid.
I used Tumbleweed for eight years with no problems. I only moved to EndeavourOS because Suse bared their corporate teeth and I got fed up being a couple of generations behind on the Nvidia drivers. EndeavourOS is also good.
Remembers Tumbleweed fondly
They don’t just decide to remove a driver on a whim, there’s a whole process which involves reaching out to the original maintainers and seeing if anyone else wants to take it on among other things. Internet search is so poor these days, I can’t find the information on it.
As the kernel moves on changes could be introduced that make them difficult to compile with the new kernel. Unmaintained doesn’t only mean not adding new features, it means keeping up with the rest of the code.
The definitive guide to selinux.
When I switched, about 23 years ago, I missed Moray - the modeller for POVRay. Now I miss nothing.
Keepassxc remembers for me.
I thought it was open but I could be wrong looking at their website it says the code is available on github
Discover is not working properly on Arch based distros because there’s no packagekit backend for them.