Man tells the truth and is summarily punished for it. Also:
Musk announced the restoration of some funding.
This is bullshit, just like when he said he restored the Ebola prevention team
Man tells the truth and is summarily punished for it. Also:
Musk announced the restoration of some funding.
This is bullshit, just like when he said he restored the Ebola prevention team
Wow, that’s a lot of bullshit in such a short amount of text. Ignoring most of it, I’ll focus on the “money” sent. We didn’t send much in the way of funds. What we sent was old, obsolete, and outdated weapons and munitions which we will then replace with newer, modern and updated stock.
Accuses someone of being a “potty mouth” then proceeds to use the exact same “vulgarity”. Okay then, hypocrite
This was a planned ambush. Zelensky handled it as well as could be expected under the circumstances. The fact that Vance and Trump kept demanding he say thanks and be obsequious to them when they’ve done nothing but undermine Ukraine and carry Putin’s water was beyond parody.
Thank you? For what? Extortion while promising nothing? If I were him I’d have told them to go fuck themselves. I guess that’s why I’m not president of jack shit.
Better that than the alternative
Not just dick pics. Pics of dicks infected with STDs. Wikipedia can help with that.
Sounds like they should visit you for a while
Judges don’t say “objection”. Opposing council does.
The Judges of Dredd’s universe were judge, jury, and executioner. We may need them to have that power to combat the current regime, but once they have that there’s no going back.
Hey now, I also failed a lot of my college classes around that same time, but not because I was a moron, I was just too lazy to attend classes
The US Constitution gives Congress sole control of “the purse” meaning all funding of the federal government. They allocate it and the executive branch spends it. If they weren’t trump’s puppets, they could stop allocating funds for him to misuse.
If Congress wasn’t filled with feckless lickspittles, they could just not fund the executive branch. But they are, so they will
The “Fuck your Feelings” crowd has very easily activated feelings
I dunno. You’re assuming he’s making rational, judicious cuts, rather than sloppily slashing through systems he has no understanding of.
I’m seriously considering not having tax withholdings taken out automatically, putting it into savings myself, and then just waiting to see if anyone from the IRS ever asks for it
I can’t believe no one has mentioned my favorite running Python gag:
Enjoy your pink eye