The encouraging Japanese guy harvesting asiatic clams in the ocean
The encouraging Japanese guy harvesting asiatic clams in the ocean
It’s not just a sale. Gift card money is invested and the company makes returns off of it, and all they have to do is provide you the base value of the gift card in coffee or whatever at some later date. Plus, if your purchases don’t add to a whole number, millions of gift cards with like 30 cents left over in each of them is a ton of free money for the company. Gift cards are a huge scam
Really? It’s not from some kind of treatise on utilitarianism? That seems unlikely
If that ain’t the name of a New York police chief from the 80s with Polish heritage, I don’t know what is
Looks like they are using a Prio based protocol. If they are using Prio2+, I think this article is likely overblown. EDIT: I mixed up my sources - Mozilla tested Prio for telemetry collection. They are using a system called IPA for ads, and I don’t know whether there are formal guarantees for this system
Does Firefox explain what measures they’ve taken to protect their aggregation servers? If so, this is a perfectly fine and practical method for privacy preservation
I was always told people with a long second toe have dominant personalities