We probably don’t agree.
I probably said something you didn’t like.
You look lovely, by the way. New shirt?

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Is Session actually secure though? I know they’re based in Australia, and as an Aussie myself, holy fuck would I not trust this country for even a fraction of a picosecond with anything private or sensitive. We have some of the world’s most draconian and far-reaching digital privacy and surveillance laws, and I’m not ready to accept that Session hasn’t been secretly compromised by the AFP, given the law against revealing government backdoors.

    Happy to be proven wrong, but I always err on the side of extreme caution when it comes to Australia. Digitally, we’re closer to the CCP than any of our fellow western nations.

  • The question I have is where does the world go from here? I can’t foresee a future where these attempts by government to enact a kind of all-encompassing control and monitoring of citizens’ lives just suddenly stop and we return to a time when our every movement wasn’t watched. It seems like they will just keep trying, taking any pushback as a sign that their social engineering just needs a few tweaks and a little more corporate/media brainwashing before they try it again. The only winners are government and their corporate buddies.

    We’re entering a world that myself and a not insignificant percentage of humanity are fundamentally incompatible with. I don’t see a reason to remain optimistic about the future, to keep building upon what I’ve got going on, to strive for more, when we’re staring down the barrel of a technofeudalist nightmare dystopian future that it seems most people don’t give a shit about eventuating because they’ve “got nothing to hide, and therefore nothing to worry about.”

    Somebody give me a reason to think things will get better.