So what is the solution for this problem, in your opinion?
So what is the solution for this problem, in your opinion?
If they didn’t have the funding they would all be dead already because they are regularly under fire from rockets. Not only now, but also before the last attack of the Hamas.
Sadly, this is even an issue at university. As a lecture assistant I will just get ignored or not taken seriously by some groups of young male students. They will talk loudly, ignore my request to not talk during lecture or exercise. My male colleagues don’t have such issues and it angers me more each year…
Experiencing social consequences for saying something people disagree with is not infringing on your freedom. Unless they band together and try to go further than simply not liking what you have to say, how is that stopping men from saying their opinion on 4chan?
Independently, I wouldn’t call 4chan a liberal place. As far as I know, 4chan started and participated in activities in the past that go far beyond simply not liking an opinion. They doxxed, harassed and threatened people, among other things. And with support from many people on that platform.
Predominantly, it’s the political system Mussolini used.
People today also often use the word to describe all totalitarian systems that are used to dominate people. Believing that everyone who personally has an opinion that differs from yours should be violently beat into submission or should otherwise be eradicated is totalitarian. And doing this on the basis of believing your conviction are superior is fascist.
Can you give a few examples of what men can’t say or do completely freely in liberal places?
Can you give a more precise example? I hope you do not mean individuals who write stuff online. In what way do left oriented organisations treat all men like they are bad?
How exactly are men treated by the left? Perhaps you can give some examples so people understand what your problem is.
Oh, you believe you know “what fascism actually is”? :) Well that will be fun. Please explain!
Threatening with violence everyone who doesn’t approve of your opinion. Your behaviour sounds absolutely fascist.
You do seem to like oppressive old shit like religion, though.
Actually, it does. Since the AFD had more voters in the eastern states of Germany (that was DDR in the past) bigotry against people from eastern Germany have increased again. It was never completely gone, but now you find people openly speculating people from eastern Germany are less intelligent, “inbreds”, etc. And that comes a lot from supposedly anti-fascist leftists.
A lot of people just want violence or don’t like people in general or have something else wrong with them and believe slapping an “anti-fascist” label on their violence somehow makes it good violence. Other ways do work and they are a better choice. Insulting, being cruel and being violent against people should never be your go-to idea and you certainly shouldn’t be trying to shame people into being violent.
Many AFD voters can be turned in better ways, instead of making them fear violence and insults.
I did have a smartphone, so I was able to look up several steps I could try. For example installing an experimental driver. In the end I had to install kubuntu and purge xfce, since they had a working driver in their library.
Since I had to type in all commands blindly the worst part was obviously wondering if I mistyped somewhere or if it just didn’t work. When I lost track I used the beep command to check if I was stuck.
Nooo I have so many… This one I can explain in English:
Xubuntu but blind
So, this is ~2016. Ubuntu is hip and a handful of my students use it. On my PCs I only use Debian and Suse. So to help them better I take out an old ASUS laptop and install Ubuntu on it. Try out Xubuntu instead.
At that time I was also huge into alternative keyboard layouts. I had a slightly modified Neo keyboard layout installed when I switched to Xubuntu.
Here the fun starts because the obscure internal graphics card built into the laptop didn’t have driver support under Xubuntu. Black screen but I could hear it working. This was the hardest driver fix I ever did. No monitor and a keyboard layout I wasn’t used to, under a Linux distro I wasn’t used to. And I also was at the university library, so no hardware support or Debian stick in reach.
Es gibt auch Nischenparteien die sich lohnen zu wählen. Wie “Die Humanisten” zum Beispiel.
Wenn man jeden Trotzwähler und jeden der das Vertrauen in die großen Parteien verloren hat dazu bringen könnte stattdessen wenigstens irgendwas das sich nicht rechts ansiedelt zu wählen wäre das bereits ein Gewinn.
Ja, ich würde auch sagen dass das Koffein hilft weil ich subjektiv den Eindruck habe entspannter zu sein. Und es hilft mir deswegen. Nicht weil es direkt die Konzentration erhöhen würde, sondern eher bei dem Versuch das zu tun. Falls das Sinn macht xD
Ich habe das tatsächlich auch nur mit Tabletten ausprobiert, Kaffee trinke ich gar nicht und Energy Drinks vielleicht mal eine 500 mL Dose, was ja noch niedriger konzentriert ist als eine typische Tasse Kaffee, glaube ich?
Ich kann ja auch nur sagen dass ich einen Effekt festgestellt habe bei mir zwischen dem Koffein und dass ich bestimmte Arbeiten besser erledigen kann. Woran es liegt weiß ich nicht. Kann auch am Ritual liegen, oder sonst was.
Bei der Verwechslung mit den Tabletten habe ich innerhalb von ca. 8 Stunden drei Stück genommen (weil ja die Schmerzen nicht besser wurden =)). Herzrasen, Schweißausbrüche, Nervosität, Geräuschempfindlichkeit etc., Kann ich nicht empfehlen als Trip…
Ich weiß nicht wieso, aber Koffein lindert meine ADHD Symptome etwas, zumindest habe ich das im Selbstversuch festgestellt. Aber eher in dem Sinne, dass es etwas bei der Konzentration hilft. Mein Neurologe hat gesagt er hört das öfter von Patienten kann aber nicht bestätigen woran es liegt.
“Wach machen” tut Koffein tatsächlich nicht, aber es kann einen wach halten obwohl man tot müde ist. Das musste ich einmal feststellen als ich aus Versehen Koffein Tabletten mit Ibuprofen verwechselt habe und trotz extremer Müdigkeit über 40 Stunden lang wach war …
Banning the burning or “desecration” of a specific genre of books because it rallies the feelings of highly religious people is pandering to the views of the religious extremists. That is my point.
People who are level headed about their religion won’t demand that a state forbids to burn a book. And they won’t get worked up by it to the point they think this is something that should be handled on a state level.
That is something Palestine and especially Hamas will not accept. They have said multiple times already that they wish for a “pure Muslim state”.