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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • Based on our sun’s life cycle, it’s not likely.

    Even if all emissions stopped tomorrow for good, temperatures would continue to rise, our climate would continue to destabilize, and the mass extinction event currently underway would continue.

    Like your comment says, we have likely fucked the climate enough that we’ll probably be gone within a couple hundred years.

    The problem is, we’ve killed off so many species and damaged our biodiversity to such an extent, that by the time biological life could evolve to a similar level of biodiversity like we once enjoyed, our sun will already be expanding enough that earth has become uninhabitable.

    We did it guys!

  • There’s a percentage (of their workforce) that if companies cross it while doing layoffs, they are required to give a pretty big notice to the employees before laying them off. I think maybe 60 or 90 days?

    There’s several other criteria as well, such as the company being a certain size, and it has to be a high enough percentage of employees at that specific location. But this is part of why you’ll hear about several layoff cycles within a year at one company instead of all at once.

    Most companies that do meet the criteria just pay out the employees in lieu of the notice, which is allowed, but avoiding paying at all is definitely a motivator to avoid doing bigger rounds of layoffs.