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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Pyro@lemmy.world
    toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldCustomer service
    17 days ago

    My Odyssey G7’s panel also fell off 2 weeks before the end of the warranty.

    In addition to that, the Odyssey series also has a weird issue where if certain conditions are met, the entire screen will dip in brightness and display horizontal lines. It’s very distracting. They’re aware of the issue (as many people have reported it) but they aren’t doing anything to fix it. I won’t be buying another.

  • Pyro@lemmy.world
    toAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldDo you use TikTok?
    3 months ago

    Yes, that’s the entire point. They promote STEM topics to their own youth and funny silly brain-numbing dances to their political opponents.

    In a number of years, China’s workforce will be scientists and engineers while the US will be full of influencers and microcelebrities who provide very little actual value.

    They’re playing the long game.

  • While I agree with your sentiment, this is a terrible take.

    There is always a reason for saying no, whether you want to share it or not. But that takes a backseat here because it’s an open-ended question.

    You’ve answered in a very closed minded way and refused to elaborate on your position, therefore your opinion can easily be thrown away due to lack of evidence. At that point, why comment at all?

  • I hate them too.

    I come to news sites to read articles, not watch videos. If I wanted to watch videos I would go to YouTube. It’s as simple as that.
    Making them autoplay is just adding insult to injury (as well as wasting bandwidth for literally no reason).

    Let’s do some napkin maths while we think how much energy has been wasted by autoplaying a video for every visitor.
    If I were to guess, the video player pre-caches a few seconds of content, maybe up to 10. That’s a fair few MB worth of reasonable quality video/audio data. Now multiply that for every single visitor. That’s a lot of wasted energy. The page itself is likely ~1MB in size (at least you’d hope), so they’re potentially increasing their costs by an order of magnitude by having the videos autoplay.

    It’s monumentally stupid.

  • I love Zorin, probably for more superficial reasons than most. I like a clean UI and Zorin provides that by default, no fiddling. I get that people like customisability and ricing and all that, and if I could design my OS as easily as I could write CSS then I probably would, but I’ve yet to find something that lets me do that. And even if I do find it, Zorin still looks good and just works, which is most of what I care about.

  • Pyro@lemmy.world
    toLinux@lemmy.mlState of gaming on linux?
    11 months ago

    Everyone here is saying it’s fantastic and much better compared to 10 years ago, which is completely true.

    However, the state of VR gaming is still pretty dire. You can get it working on some hardware setups, but not others, and it’s nontrivial to find out what’s going wrong. I’ve lost a couple of days trying to diagnose problems on multiple distros and it just doesn’t seem to work for me. It may work for you, but the chances are a lot lower than if you were to just play normal games.