Alt account of for looking at stuff Beehaw defederated

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Still. The DNC has systems in place to decide who to back in elections to pass legislation. Their messaging since 2015 has been embarrassing. They keep courting moderate conservatives that don’t exist and ignoring unrepresented potential voters who do. They talk about how they win elections when there’s good turn out without ever analyzing which candidates encourage high turnout. Americans want to feel represented in politics and we don’t. The Democrats need to do something that would weaken the democrat party but would weaken the Republican party more: they need to actively begin dismantling the two party system. We want election reform. We want the police to not be a hostile force against the general populace. We want the society we live in to benefit everyone and not just the kinds of people who can afford to finance an election campaign.

    The polling exists. We all know that neither party represents or enacts what the people want do. The Democrats refuse to look around and see what’s happening, preferring to rearrange the deck chairs as the ship sinks because that’s the only thing they know to do. And you know? I can’t really blame them. We the people have also been rearranging the deck chairs. We live in a country that only benefits the top but we all still show up to do our duties without looking at what’s going on in other countries where the people are standing up to their authoritarian oppressors.

    The worst part is the fascists know what they’re doing. They know to decay the structure by raising the temperature because we’ve become too complacent. We need to stand up to fascism in a way that we haven’t ever since McArthyism.

  • I was literally compiling this library a few nights ago and didn’t catch shit. We caught this one but I’m sure there’s a bunch of “bugs” we’ve squashes over the years long after they were introduced that were working just as intended like this one.

    The real scary thing to me is the notion this was state sponsored and how many things like this might be hanging out in proprietary software for years on end.

  • Casual Twitter users who left twitter after Musk took over but aren’t thinking all that hard about what it was specifically that Musk brings to the table that creates the problems. They just see someone else made a Twitter alike, and they already have an Instagram account, so they give it a shot.

    All they know is the people they liked on twitter are gone, but that there were elements of the Twitter experience they liked

  • If you have to ask it probably means the answer is one of the following:

    • Mint
    • Ubuntu
    • Pop!_os

    In that order. Mint will be most likely the answer if your hardware is pretty normal. Ubuntu will be the answer if you’re willing to give up some security and privacy for east of use (pro-tip: if this is your mentality I’d recommend a different OS and dual booting while you learn). Pop!_os will be the answer if you don’t need super up to date software and want all your hardware to work because you have something odd

    Personally I would strongly advise towards Mint. I used to direct people away from it but I’ve learned this was a bias I had against them for mishandling a security thing a long time ago that they’ve since become leaders in the security space for general use Linux operating systems.