Eating gizzard sounds offal to me
Eating gizzard sounds offal to me
What? Explain yuself
To be fair, you are repeatedly quite inflammatory and borderline trolling, which is not the culture of this community at all, so I can understand why there is such a reaction. So, although like I said, this doesn’t technically break any rules, it’s clear that not many people like it.
On the Lemmy app I’m using that doesn’t display correctly.
And then also just in a browser, it’s not the same as an image link.
Thank you again for the suggestion, but this community will remain images only, and you can put a link in the description. That is the only way to ensure everyone gets a consistent experience regardless of how they access Lemmy.
This post has had a number of reports. It technically doesn’t break any rules, and it’s also on -74 votes, so I’m not going to remove it.
Thank you for the suggestion but I’m afraid it’s screenshots only. The content on this community needs to be visible without leaving it. I would encourage users to add a link to the toot in the description however - I’ll add this to the rules now.
will they still be like that in ten years?
Mastodon is the federated alternative to twitter.
Only nine! Those are rookie numbers.
Should have expected this
I feel like this is the sort of conservation that conservatives should be all about. Rather than conserving wealth.
They’re doing what??
Hey I 3d printed that guy to use in my DnD game!
Take that misogyny somewhere else.
That’s what we’re here for! Plus soul-destroying geo-political updates.
As a mod I’m torn about this post because I agree with it politically, but it’s not really a meme. It’s just political content and there are other places for that.
You can let us all know the results of your TP research here in this thread but please don’t post any tweets from the brand :) that is the line!
it’s borderline but I think this is allowed