Will run like dog shit on anything other than RTX 5090, just like all the RTX remixes so far. Only RTX Quake II runs alright on lower end cards.
Will run like dog shit on anything other than RTX 5090, just like all the RTX remixes so far. Only RTX Quake II runs alright on lower end cards.
That’s like calling stealing from shops essential for my existence and it would be “over” for me if they stop me. The shit these clowns say is just astounding. It’s like they have no morals and no self awareness and awareness for people around them.
One of reasons why I love Ubuntu is because it updates live and rarely even asks for my password. I’d use any other distro, but they all want stupid password for ANY update and some demand you restart the system. So stupid.
I’ve not yet had such screen on any system. Is this LTS or regular?
It wasn’t dumb from corporate perspective, which is why they all gobbled it up like junky hoovering on piles of white dust.
You know how expensive it is to mold unique dedicated physical buttons for every function and then wire them all over the place? Or just slap single touch display and cram all the shit into that single display. You code it once and use it on all models. Corporates were already counting the money saved there. Until it backfired because everyone hated it, reviewers criticized it and now it’s finally also criticized by safety agencies.
Not really, just don’t trap yourself into their ecosystems. Use 3rd party services that work on all of them so you’re not trapped on either. I used iPhone for several years and because of using 3rd party cloud and mail services as well as password managers and browsers, I was able to switch back to Android without any hassle. And since I don’t use or rely on anything from Google either, I can go back to Apple this moment if I want and only hassle would be just setting up all the services. Which would take me like an hour for all of it.
Same goes for desktops. I run Windows on one of my systems because of gaming and the rest run Linux because fuck you Microsoft with your asshole arbitrary hardware requirements.I still have bookmarks and files synced between them thanks to 3rd party services that work on all of them.
Sure I don’t have a magic single button to log me into everything, but then again I’m also not a slave of anyone because I don’t depend on a single entity providing me all the services. Password managers save me that hassle so it’s basically the same, but ultimately better.
Have they improved tech and settings for Radeon users for RT and upscaling?
I hope he gets it then. He’s already like a walking corpse…
Remember that time Trump Tweeted about Elon’s Teslas crashing and rockets flying to nowhere. And now he’s a fucking Tesla salesman. LMAO
On regular Teslas I kinda understand, but who are you fooling with that Toyota sign on that ugly ass Cybertuck?
Or sharing profits among the leeches when it’s going great, but when shit goes down they are begging for help from government and firing people. How about you not instantly take out profits but you build resillience through reserves and preparation? Lol, who am I kidding, milk the cow till it’s dry and then make beef patties when it stops giving milk.
Musk is an idiot if he thinks using whois on IP makes him some l33t haxorz.
I actually didn’t care so much about bandwidth back then even though 56K modem was ass. It was the ad banners that drew me nuts. Especially since that was the era of flashing and blinking GIF and Adobe Flash banners. I got 1Mbit ADSL a bit later and that’s when it was even less important since bandwidth was unlimited. Banners were still there tho and were just as annoying.
For me setting up Android phone without it. Installed some app and got bombarded by all the ads and shit. Something I just don’t even know on mine.
How people can deal with internet without adblockers like uBlock is just baffling. Not only ads, but also all the cookie banners and phone app popups and other crap. uBlock will filter all this shit out so you just use the website without junk and annoyances.
I’ve used the original Windscribe back when it was still a regular x86 app that acted like a local proxy and would filter out ads and banners. That was early 2000s iirc. Even back then I couldn’t stand all this crap. Today I can’t imagine browsing without uBlock or at minimum with DNS filtering which can’t apply cosmetic filters or more advanced rules.
Hehe, nice catch. Technically, under SI standard we could call that 1 megameters… It’s mostly we rarely address distances beyond 1000 kilometers in day to day life so kilometers still make some sense. Where under Imperial units, there isn’t any unit above mile. For batteries, we don’t really use anything less in phones anymore, only smartwatches and earbuds use capacities under 1000.
Use paper straws, still wrap them in plastic. Mission failed successfully.
I love how we still needlessly use so many zeroes instead of just calling it Ah. Phones with 5000 mAh batteries. Or you know, we could just cal it 5Ah battery. Chinese are even further obsessed with this just adding zeroes because the more zeroes the better!
Petty asshole living his entire life with golden spoon up his ass, not knowing hardship at all. Ukrainians didn’t flee just because, they fled because of WAR on them by RUSSIA.
Imagine appointing flat earther as head of NASA. This is how competent is RFK Jr for healthcare. America is full on a clown country at this point.
Blessed be upon by the Fediverse chick!