Have at look at this: https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian
I found this to be invaluable when I was borking stuff all the time.
My main draw towards Linux is the exact opposite experience. I have a Linux install that has been carried over three computer and two harddisk changes over 10 years and it’s still as good, or slightly better than it used to be.
My suggestion would be to start with something stable like Debian and read the manual when you want to tinker with it. Especially this: https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian
Debian stable but be careful though, you might never leave after using it for a while :)
But this user isn’t diverting attention from an American policy or whatever. The original post was on how we have the hottest days so far and they rightly pointed out that a government was building lots of coal plants in that context. Others have chimed in and said that the government also is investigating in renewable, though I question if that makes building coal plants okay.
None of this is whataboutism. No one is above criticism or scrutiny.
Yast. I love zypper and opi but yast is super weird. Like if you want to do things that you can do with yast, you probably know how to do it on terminal.