Meep :3
They/Them, also “It” when a critter I like is being cute ior affectionate about it :3 Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Hates this world, hates being stuck in it. Needs rescuing, needs understanding. Not happening. Only misery and extension of said misery happening.

  • 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • It really isn’t. It’d be a bit closer if Data just randomly insisted that “steal Geordi’s visor and shoot Data in the knee” was a necessary response to the bio-neural gel packs having gone funky but hunams love being fooled but pretend to hate it so we’ve got to have this asinine argument every day with people who assume that everything they don’t understand is either magic or fake magic.

    Also, there’s a pretty big difference between beating Data with hammers while he’s standing in front of you acting like a person, and beating Sales™ with hammers because you know damn well it’s a janky piece of fad tech that can’t possibly understand how it’s about to make your life harder and is clearly marked as corporate property. I kinda can’t believe I’m actually having to say this, but maybe we should consider giving a least-cost product (or service, I forget everything’s a “service” now) that’s clearly marked as corporate property a bit of extra scrutiny? People’s minds are such mush. Ugh.

  • Kinda annoying that “top” always means “most popular” for these things :-\ I guess I don’t really have a specific idea of what other meaning would be best but it still seems kinda ridiculous to rank programming languages by popularity. I guess it’s an engineer-brained thing to think of them as having different uses and purposes rather than being interchangeable business tools 🤮 but to me it’s kinda like looking at spoken languages by popularity but you still wanna go on vacation or go live somewhere with an unpopular native language. Like, oh look, Spanish is popular so I’ma learn that but also never go anywhere I’d expect people to speak it, so I’ll be in Finland or something (in my dreams, where I actually can visit places v.v ) all “Habla español? Perkele!” over and over until they throw me out 😅

    Edit: Just thought to check, a cursory glance suggests “español” doesn’t get capitalized in Spanish, which I don’t actually know 😅 My Finnish is much better, as I know most of the common curses and a few of the words that go between them.

  • Sounds super cool :o … Am still kinda salty about M$ blocking my account and holding my copy of Minecraft (that I paid Mojang for, well before it was Microsoft’s!) hostage because they want my phone number, though. 😠

    … Also I kinda wanna know if it’s got the moddage I love about Minecraft, but am afraid to ask because I’m stuck on a laptop that can’t really run much without getting all melty 😅