Big Pimping Big Rofling.

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  • 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Wie hier alle am explodieren sind.

    Liebes Toastbrot, ich fand das Meme lustig. Vielleicht Liegt es daran das der Witz für mich doppelt zündet weil meine Verlobte vor kurzem wirklich meinte das sie das mit einer Zeitmaschine machen würde.

    (Mich würds mal interessieren wie viele von den Leuten mit Mistgabeln und Fackeln hier tatsächlich Frauen sind. Weil die einzige die ich als Frau hier kenne, war es einfach egal. 🥸)

  • Maybe I’m too young or just had bad luck, but ALL the interactions I’ve ever had with Internet forums have been unbelievably awful. Whenever I asked a question, I was asked why I wanted to know that and was lectured that my reasons were stupid, bad, or wrong (how is that even possible?). People hijacked my post and talked about anything else, and I received NO answer whatsoever! This kind of thing happened way too often, regardless of the type of forum. This occurred in Skyrim forums, Coh2 forums, PC forums, aquarium forums, … I hate forums. It’s good that they are dying, and I, for one, will not miss them at all.