• 25 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • You realize that it takes money and workers to upkeep, repair, rebuild plants? Staying with nuclear costs money that instead is better invested in renewables. And you realize that maintaining that share against newly build renewables requires new plants right?

    You understand that 20% of 100 are 20 and 20% of 200 are 40 right? Like when you look at the charts, you see that the total production capacity doubled, because of the exponential growth of renewables. So it would need new plants to maintain the share.

    So unless the plants you demanded were already in planning in 1990, there is no way they would have been there in 2010. Seriously, with how bad at math and physics the proponents of nuclear power are it is all the more important to keep them away from such a dangerous technology.

  • Yeah, 20 years ago. If you build more renewables the share of all other power sources goes down.

    If you look at the total values in your source, you’ll see nuclear to decline since 2006. And from 2021-2023 then the full phase out happened. But the only plants that hypothetically could have ran a bit longer were only left to produce 2%.

    To revert now, Germany first would need to invest billions to modernize the plants, which would take years to scale back into it. Also it would likely need to buy their fuel rods from Russia, defeating the whole purpose of sanctioning Russian Oil and Gas.

  • As someone from Germany, i strongly advise against moving to Germany. You get shit services, massive racism and shit weather. If you decide to come nonetheless, prepare to deal with no cell-phone coverage as you go by train or car across the country. Also the Trains are notoriously late and the highways are crumbling. It only takes some triple digit billions to catch up with the deficit in infrastructure investment.

    Prepare to wait for up to a year for specialist doctors appointments. That is if the doctors you tried to visit didn’t all turn you down, because they are either overbooked or said that you look fine and southerners are just always dramatic.

    And if you look like you could be from the Middle East, so if you are Spanish, Italian, from the Balkans, Latin America or any other place where people aren’t pale as fuck, prepare to be insulted, threatened and sometimes violently attacked in the streets.

  • Können wir vielleicht mal den Elefanten im Raum ansprechen?

    Das vorspielen eines “Tradwife” ist für die erfolgreichen Influencerinnen ein Job. Sie erhalten Geld dafür, dass für ihre Kanäle Werbung geschalten werden kann. Dazu kommen dann noch direkte Verträge für Produktplatzierungen. ggf. kommt noch Geld von entsprechenden Lobbygruppen dazu.

    Diese Frauen leben den beworbenen Lebensstil garnicht. Sie können garkeine authentische Quelle dafür sein. Wenn ich Geld dafür bekäme, mich geschminkt beim Putzen, Kochen und Tischdecken zu filmen, würde ich mir das auch überlegen.

    Ist dann aber was völlig Anderes, als wenn ich das im Rahmen meiner Haushaltsführung unentgeltlich miterledigen muss und dann vom Einkommen meines Partners oder meiner Partnerin angewiesen bin.