20 Minuten Sudoku aufm Klo müssen schon drin sein.
20 Minuten Sudoku aufm Klo müssen schon drin sein.
Just an fyi but blob already stands for binary large object
Jill Stein declared her goal as preventing Harris from winning the White House even though she knows she can’t win herself, so basically her goal is to put Trump in power who is going to continue or worsen the genocide in Gaza while adding genocide on the US’s queer population, women and immigrants and even descendants of immigrants that live there for multiple generations. As a little bonus he’s going to give Ukraine to Russia by not delivering weapons to them anymore, thus helping a warmonger take over it’s neighbouring country.
That is how your actions lead to more genocide.
Das gelbe Auto ganz rechts ist auch auf einer sich trennenden Fahrbahn, nicht auf einem Ausfädelungsstreifen (was zur Hölle ist das für ein Wort). Man siehe das Autobahnschild, auf dem der Pfeil für alle 3 Richtungen gerade geht
Die Begründung ist, das Merz ideologisch AFDler ist und die CDU nutzt, um die AFD an die Macht zu bringen. Was der offizielle Grund ist, werden wir sehen
You can just install a distro of your choice on it that might or might not be immutable if you want. In the end, yes, it is a PC
Please don’t take Clown farmers serious:
On steam you can give awards to people, one of which is a clownface. If you receive a reward, you gain steam points which you can use to purchase profile customizations, emotes, steam startup movies and maybe more idk. So People started spamming ridiculous shit on steam to be a clown and receive those clown emotes by people taking them serious. The best move is to report them, block them and move on. They also quite often pretend to be marginalized groups to as a “bonus” make those groups look bad which kinda brings despair to me when I see people actually taking them serious and not realizing it’s all fake.
The worst part about it is that they usually pretend to be a queer person demanding queer representation in games in the most rude way possible and then people take this shit serious and take it out on actual queer people.
Gimme a cock and I’m goblin
Es gibt einen Grund, warum ich mich vorbereite, nach Neuseeland zu fliehen, wenn die AFD noch größer wird. Sobald die an meine Daten bei der Krankenkasse kommen oder Gesprächsverläufe, werde ich, wenn’s nach denen geht, in einen Zug gesteckt und verschwunden.
Orban wird teilweise aus dem Ausland finanziert und gefährdet die Unabhängigkeit Ungarns
Naja die bekommen ihr Wahlprogramm aus der gleichen Quelle
Wenn “der Wähler” wollte, dass die regieren, hätten 50% oder mehr die gewählt. Das ist nicht der Fall und der Rest will explizit nicht, dass die AFD regiert. Du würdest also die Mehrheit ignorieren, um ein paar Afd Affen glücklich zu machen.
Me neither but now I’m interested in Femboi-Hooters 👀
So in German we have different forms of job descriptions depending if the gender of the person. So doctor would be Arzt for a dude and Ärztin for a lass. Now when talking about a mixed gender group of doctors, the plural form of the masculine form would be generally used. This kinda leads to people always thinking about a group of male doctors. To mitigate that, there’s been multiple attempts to make more inclusive forms. For the most time listing both forms was the go to, as in Ärzte und Ärztinnen. The gender star was an attempt to combine it into Ärzt*Innen in which the star was read as a little pause. Other ways to write that pause include ÄrztInnen where you just capitalize the I and my favourite Ärzt:Innen, as the : is read as a pause by screen readers while the star is read as it’s own word by then. My actual favourite form however is gendering after Phettberg which entirely gets rid of the gender and builds a different plural: Ärztis. It also sounds cute and I’m all for more cuteness. That form sadly is used nowhere.
Been the younger sibling to an abusive 4 year older brother. Beating him up wasn’t an option as even small age differences are big regarding strength. All i could do was de-escalate, lock my room (and turn my key slightly because our rooms had the same key shape so he could just push my key out from the outside and unlock it) and hope he doesn’t still manage to get in there. I honestly have no advise for this to op :( My situation ended when my brother got drafted to the military for 2 years or so and when he was back he moved out.
100% agree. While i love showing off my general form some days because I’m proud of myself, it’s never just the chest and if something is visible there it’s by accident and not meant for public viewing. Sometimes it’s very hot out which might get me to put on fairly loose blouses but that’s not for show and more for me to not die of a heat stroke. So unless we’ve been dating for a bit, no, please don’t stare at my chest. If we’ve been dating however, i might do it on purpose 😋
Software Entwicklerin mit ADHS hier. Zur Uni gehen und meinen Bachelor zu bekommen war die Hölle, aber Programmieren funktioniert sehr gut. Die Uni als Hürde ist glaube ich echt ein Problem aber glücklicherweise nicht zwingend erforderlich.
Bazzite: funktioniert einfach
Hatte mal Ubuntu probiert und war nicht Fan. Bin jetzt seit ein paar Monaten mit bazzite unterwegs und musste nur ein Mal das Terminal öffnen, weil die einen Fehler mit dem Schlüssel zur Authentifizierung der OS Versionen gemacht hatten und neue Updates einen anderen Schlüssel hatten oder so. Bin echt erstaunt, wie gut alles läuft.
That last paragraph is exactly what i feel. In Windows it started to feel more and more like I’m fighting against Microsoft and have to be on edge all the time whereas if in Linux something doesn’t work it’s not because of ill intentions of the people behind the OS.