I’m not entirely sure, but that would mean that the laptop’s display would have to be connected to both the integrated graphics unit and the dedicated graphics chip. I suspect that this will not be the case with most laptops.
I’m not entirely sure, but that would mean that the laptop’s display would have to be connected to both the integrated graphics unit and the dedicated graphics chip. I suspect that this will not be the case with most laptops.
“Overall, based on statistical modelling of the radiation doses received by workers and local residents, a total of 4000 deaths will eventually be attributable to the Chernobyl accident”(Pflugbeil, S. (2006). Chernobyl – Looking back to go forwards: the September 2005 IAEA Conference. Medicine, Conflict and Survival, 22(4), 299–309. https://doi.org/10.1080/13623690600945230) “Environmental fallout from the accident affected cropland, forests, rivers, fish and wildlife, and urban centres. In the three countries most affected, nearly 800 000 ha of agricultural land was removed from service, and timber production was halted on nearly 700 000 ha of forest.”(Pflugbeil, S. (2006). Chernobyl – Looking back to go forwards: the September 2005 IAEA Conference. Medicine, Conflict and Survival, 22(4), 299–309. https://doi.org/10.1080/13623690600945230) “Studies have found that exposed populations had anxiety levels twice as high as normal, with a greater incidence of depression and stress symptoms.”(Pflugbeil, S. (2006). Chernobyl – Looking back to go forwards: the September 2005 IAEA Conference. Medicine, Conflict and Survival, 22(4), 299–309. https://doi.org/10.1080/13623690600945230)
I’m sorry but I didn’t have the time to find the values for Fukushima as well. There are a lot of different numbers, but I think these are also validated by the UN and WHO and are pretty informative
In your argument as to when a nuclear power plant kills people, as I see it, you consider the period too short. It may be that few or no one dies from the direct explosion, but the worst thing about the accidents is the immense amount of gamma radiation. Radiation deaths often do not occur immediately, but only after some time. It is therefore difficult to estimate how many deaths are due to radiation from nuclear catastrophes, but to estimate it with one death is definitely too low in my opinion. The number of deaths from nuclear power is certainly not comparable to solar or wind power due to its magnitude.
Firstly you are just picking up on my first point and secondly no one would have been harmed in either disaster if a wind farm had been set up.
In theory, nuclear power generation may be safe. In practice it is not. There were two major catastrophes that killed thousands, first in Chernobyl and then in Fukushima. Fukushima wasn’t that long ago either. In practice, one should not underestimate the irrational greed of managers. There are calculations of how much damage insurance for nuclear power plants would cost. Since the risk, which can be calculated from the damage multiplied by the probability of occurrence, is very high because the damage in an accident would be so incredibly great that companies cannot afford it and always taxpayers have to save them, which shows the risk the taxpayers bear with nuclear power plants. Many nuclear power plants are very old and extremely expensive to maintain. So you would have to build new power plants in order to install the latest safety technology. Incidentally, the new security technology does not help against invaders either, as can be seen in the Ukraine. This super great security technology is enormously expensive. Renewable energy sources are simply unbeatably cheap because you get the energy from the earth and the sun as a gift. It is already the case that countries with many renewable energy sources, such as Denmark, are depressing the European energy market with their cheap electricity, and conventional energy sources are not getting prices that low. Then there is the biggest problem, nuclear waste. Uranium 235 and its fission isotopes are harmless after 1 million years. So the nuclear waste has to be guarded for 1 million years. Labor costs are bigger than money in the world exists and most countries don’t have repositories because it’s impossible to find a safe place for the next 1 million years. From the generated energy one also has to subtract the large amount of energy that is consumed firstly by the enrichment of uranium in gigantic centrifuges and secondly by the creation of uranium in mining. Only vehicles with combustion engines are used for this and the mining itself emits a lot of CO2. In addition, the uranium deposits are not that large given our high energy consumption. That is why India is researching thorium reactors, but none of them are productive yet. I think fusion reactors are a much better way to spend research money. Nuclear power plants need a lot of water for cooling. In view of the climate change, there were big problems in France last year to cool the nuclear power plants because the rivers did not deliver enough water due to little rain. As a result, many power plants had to be shut down and electricity had to be imported at great expense. By importing uranium from abroad, one also becomes extremely dependent on other countries and on their uranium prices. As you can see, given the huge advances in renewable energy sources, I think nuclear power plants are very poor options for generating energy.
Ohja, mit der Digitalisierung und der Umverteilung der Steuern hast du absolut Recht! In Anbetracht der sicherlich konservativ rechten Regierung nach der nächsten Wahl, bin ich Verbesserungen in Deutschland auch pessimistisch eingestellt. Hoffentlich kriegt die derzeitige Regierung noch viel auf die Beine gestellt!
Ich habe leider keine Antwort darauf, in welche Berufsgruppen die Leute aus dem Handwerk, der Pflege etc flüchten. Aus Erfahrung in meinem Bekanntenkreis, der wahrscheinlich nicht repräsentativ für ganz Deutschland ist, sind zum Beispiel die Radiologiestellen an den Klinken, wo ein gutes Arbeitsklima herrscht unter den Bewerbern sehr gefragt. Bei den Hausarztpraxen in Städten gibt es auch eine große Nachfrage, aber es möchte niemand aufs Land, in Praxen, in denen es wenig Medizinprodukte gibt und nicht viel Geld herüberkommt. Genau so ist es mit den wenigen Psychotherapeuten-Kassenstandorten. Als Beispiel für die Pflege, die zeigen soll, wie viel Arbeitskraft in Deutschland noch zu holen wäre, wenn man die Arbeitsbedingungen verbessern würde, habe ich diese Studie ausgesucht. https://www.arbeitnehmerkammer.de/studie-ich-pflege-wieder-wenn.html
Dass viele Leute nur in Teilzeit arbeiten liegt häufig an den steuerlichen Nachteilen, die die Beschäftigten erhalten, wenn sie mehr Stunden arbeiten. Wenn man da etwas verändern würde, könnte man dort sicherlich weitere Arbeitsstunden erhalten.
Fachkräftemangel ist für mich das Unwort des Jahrzehnts. Es gibt weder einen Fachkräftemangel in der Kranken- oder Altenpflege, noch einen bei den Lehrern, den Ärzten, Psychotherapeuten oder Informatikern. Die Arbeitgeber finden in den Bereichen nur keine Fachkräfte, die für ihre geringe Bezahlung und oder super schlechten Arbeitsbedingungen arbeiten wollen. Ihre Lösung ist es jetzt Ausländer, die aufgrund der schlechten Verhältnisse im Herkunftsland hier arbeiten wollen, anzuwerben. Weil sie die aber integrieren müssten und das auch wieder Geld kostet, wollen sie das jetzt auch noch abschaffen. Wie will man als Gesellschaft zusammenleben, wenn man nicht einmal die gleiche Sprache spricht? Ausländer ins Land zu holen und die Integration in die Gesellschaft nicht durchzuführen, führt zur Spaltung der Gesellschaft, weil Untergruppen sich nicht zu ihr zugehörig fühlen und irgendwann hat man dann Zustände, wie in Frankreich und USA. Ich möchte hier nochmal ausdrücklich erwähnen, dass dieser Kommentar keineswegs gegen Einwanderung gerichtet ist, sondern nur gegen die Einwanderung, die billige Arbeitskräfte generieren soll und man den Einwanderern von Anfang an nicht die Möglichkeit bieten möchte, sich zu integrieren.
Danke für den sehr lesenswerten Artikel! Ich fand, dass er wirklich sehr schön zu lesen und anschaulich graphisch aufgearbeitet war.