Hi, I’m Shauna! I’m a 37 year old transgender woman from Ontario, Canada. I’m also a Linux enthusiast, and a Web Developer by trade. Huge Star Trek fan, huge Soulsborne fan, and all-around huge nerd.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet, but a reason might be that providing an API is cheaper than web scraping.

    If people really want access to your data, they can just scrape your website, but that requires loading all the data through the website itself which requires loading millions or billions of video thumbnails, comments, descriptions, recommendations, etc. It’s much cheaper for them to send a JSON through an API, even though they might know that some people are trying to undermine them by using that data to circumvent their advertising.

  • It’s definitely an edge case by say you’re in ~/ and you run a script like ./code/script.sh then it thinks the current working direct is ~/ rather than what is probably intended which is ~/code/. If your bash script uses full paths like /home/$USER/code/ then it will still run correctly regardless of the current working directory that the scrip was run from.

  • You need to learn bash scripting. Also, there are a few default files that the .bashrc uses which can be helpful to compartmentalize the custom things you do to it so that it’s easier to undo if you screw something up. To do that, just add this to the bottom of your .bashrc

    if [ -f ~/.bash_custom ]; then
        . ~/.bash_custom

    What that will do is check if the .bash_custom file exists and then run the .bash_custom file in your home directory and apply anything in there. Also, you can call the file whatever you like, but bash does have some defaults that it will check for and run them without editing the .bashrc at all. It’s kind of hard to find a list of the the files that it automatically checks for, but I know that .bash_aliases is one of them, and I think it checks .bash_commands as well, but I’m not entirely sure. Either way, you can force it to check your custom one by using the code above.

    Then you can create the file and add any custom things in there that you like. For example, I like to frequently update through the terminal but running sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt autoremove && flatpak upgrade was a bit tedious and I wanted a bit less feedback so I made a custom alias for my personal use.

    alias update='echo "Updating packages..."; sudo apt update -y &> /dev/null; echo "Packages updated."; echo "Upgrading packages..."; sudo apt upgrade -y &> /dev/null; echo "Packages upgraded."; echo "Cleaning up packges..."; sudo apt autoremove -y &> /dev/null; echo "Packages cleaned up."; echo "Updating flatpaks..."; flatpak update -y &> /dev/null; echo "Flatpaks updated."'

    Which hides most of the text from updating and just gives me feedback on what it’s currently doing if I don’t really care to know all of the details. So now I just run update in the terminal and plug in my password and it updates and upgrades everything in a human readable way.

    There’s a lot that can be done with bash scripting, like editing files, iterating over files and directories, setting environment variables. It’s basically a full programming language so the limits are mostly your imagination.

  • Okay, I chose the wrong word, but it’s semantics, I’m pretty sure you know what I mean by the word “productivity”. There are already plenty of countries where there are jobs going unfilled for months or even years. Teams stretched thin and expected to do the same amount of work as 2 or even 3 people would have done in the past, and it’s only going to get worse if immigration is limited because developed countries currently depend on immigration to fill the gaps.

    You’re right that it’s totally unsustainable to depend on immigration to fill gaps in your labour pool. The hope many governments seem to be hinging on is that this crisis will rectify itself as the bloated elderly population of the pyramid starts to die off. There definitely needs to be systemic change, but that takes time. In the short term, there are plenty of immigrants that can fill those roles and keep your country’s economy strong in the short term. Countries that fail to recognize that are going to have a rough time.

    Of course there are plenty of other reasons that immigration should be accepted. I just figure conservatives are really the only ones who oppose it and they tend to think in terms of the bottom line and their own selfish interests, so I thought I would frame it in a way that would appeal to them.

  • Not only do I think this study is complete non-sense, but 3 other professors at the same journal published their comments and concerns with this study and how it’s being spread around as though it’s fact when in truth, the “science” in it is rubbish.

    Here’s a link to the article in PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37726582/
    PubMed unfortunately doesn’t have a transcript, but you can read the transcript here (or click on the link next to DOI in PubMed that I linked above): https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40279-023-01928-8

    Here’s TL;DR from the conclusion of the comment on the study is that the original study’s scientific basis is dubious at best, it hasn’t been properly peer reviewed, despite not being properly peer reviewed this article is being shared and used as a basis for shaping policies.

    And besides, even if the original study were true, wouldn’t transgender athletes would be winning at a rate higher than their prevalence in sports? Considering about 1% of people are transgender, they should win 1% of the time, but that doesn’t happen, because any advantage is entirely fictitious.

    And even if there was an advantage, there are lots of people who have a biological advantage. That’s just a part of sports that’s impossible to eliminate because we’re not all robots running on the exact same hardware and software.