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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Wood cutting boards are two to five times the price of bamboo. Also bamboo is naturally anti-microbial.

    Most houses already have dull knives, heck most people throw their knives in the dishwasher. There is no way to keep your knives sharp perpetually, resharpening will always be needed eventually.

    I’d rather people focused on size and weight over material. A bigger board is more useful, and safer as you have room to place your hands and your food. A heavier board is safer as it won’t slide as easily.

    If you like how the board looks you are more likely to keep it out, use it and clean it.

    Buy the biggest, heaviest, prettiest board you can afford.

  • I think it’s both an issue if hardware support and being the little guy.

    If Linux wants to be bigger it needs to change it’s selling point. People have been conditioned to think of free software as bloated ad-fests by their phones. My wife was asking how I liked Linux and I could only describe apps as the early Android app store where everything was free and generally great.

    Calling out Windows for privacy issues doesn’t have too much sway. Mostly because the damage is done, people have posted on Facebook and agreed to every tracker, what’s one more? Calling out Windows for being slower, showing you ads all the time and taking away features might have more traction.

  • The issue is new users.

    If you have a vague understanding that Linux has distros and to switch to Linux, you’ll likely Google “best Linux distro.” Results that say “they all are good for different reasons” are unhelpful. Having sort through 50 options isn’t helpful.

    New users want to know what to install. This means that some distros get hyped up as the best, and then people point out the cracks.

    Until there is a clear and objective list of distros with pros and cons labeled the cycle will continue.