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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • The creativity people were willing to share. Forums, DIY guides, blogs, neat yet crappy animations on Youtube. It’s all kind of still there, but it’s hard to find with how the internet is today.

    It was full of passionate people who made things because they enjoyed it. Now, it’s either how-to sites written by bots/keyboard monkeys, or you’re fast-tracked to the #1 video. You have to really go looking for the human now.

  • It’s overall an awful situation, there isn’t any “both sides” because both sides are shit and would happily genocide one-another. One side just happens to have the means to actually carry out that genocide, making them especially more shit.

    What’s the morally correct thing to do: Am I supposed to put a Gaza flag on my social medias and gush about how Israel is terrorizing and destroying them and say that I stand by Hamas? I already shit on Israel because of their genocide. However, Hamas would (once again) do the same exact thing if given the chance.

    Specifically picking a side is stupid because if Hamas could, they’d do the exact same thing.