I’d like to thank you for this measured take in response to my unbridled cynicism.
Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman
I’d like to thank you for this measured take in response to my unbridled cynicism.
The kind of car Blade Runner would have driven.
They can just buy a used one since the value of these fucking hunks of junk drops dramatically once its driven at all.
The only cops enforcing/fighting any of this right now are the FBI, and they are mostly just trying to protect themselves.
The rest of the cops in the country are all for this.
When those who are expected to enforce the law and decisions of the courts refuse to do so because they disagree, the courts don’t have a lot of recourse.
The white supremacists in our police forces were and are the peoblem.
…and unlike the Pinto, because we are so deep into fucked-reality-ville, it won’t get recalled.
Something something contempt of court
Anyone else remember all the Torrentfreak articles from the early 2000’s about how folks in major corporations and the government were torrenting TV shows and music on corporate/government computers?
Pepperidge Farm Remembers.
Everyone’s IP is exposed in a swarm, all Torrentfreak did was track down those IPs, and tons of them went to corporate and government networks and computers.
One for every Republican in congress, for all those in the judiciary, and one for the President himself.
No, I take it back, because they’d laugh and then just re-gift it to their wives.
Is that enough for conservative Christians to stop supporting him though?
As long as she looks like a FOX News hostess that they not-so-secretly want as their bang-maid: No.
Now, when music is playing, Lewis only hears “noise distortion.”
That’s incredibly sad, especially for a musician.
Hats off for Huey.
How? It’s never failed me once. It’s literally just like Spotify except my own collection.
Yes, fucking, PLEASE.
Sick of our tax dollars supporting these fucking deadbeat ass states like Arkansas,Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi.
Also Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi all smell like a fucking asshole because of all the paper mills.
Plex. I’ve had my whole personal collection available to stream for a long time now.
I only waste space with downloaded tracks if I know my drive is going to take me offline.
The cruelty is the point and it’s FUCKED UP that there’s this many humans who are so fucking broken that they get off on hurting other people.
I built my MP3 collection from 1998 to now and I have been steadily replacing old, low quality MP3s with FLACs.
Yeah there isn’t a good reason for MP3s anymore. Maybe if suddenly storage space is an issue again in the future.
Soulseek is a goldmine of high quality FLACs.
Talk about openly fucking fascist Jesus tapdancing Christ.
The group’s logo, a fasces embedded in a stump, is meant to symbolize chopping “the tree of liberty back to its roots” to restore “order” and “unity.”
Literally chopping down Liberty and happy to take liberty from others.
Humans are a fucked up species.
Hey there, to embed a GIF into a comment like this, write your code like this:

In other words, with other GIFs you would replace the URL for this image with whatever image you’re using:

That’s why I put “solve” in quotes. Even after a full hysterectomy, lesions can easily have spread to other organs. My ex still had endo lesions growing on her bowels after her hysterectomy.
But thank you for the more detailed explanation from someone who is actually suffering it.
Considering Curtis Yarvin and Nick Land have been peddling this stuff for fifteen fucking years maybe it’s reasonable to understand that we’re probably already too late to stop it without mass mobilization of a general strike.
Seriously, I first heard about these chucklefucks in 2010, when a friend who had just finish his Critical Theory masters told me about some jackass calling himself Mencius Moldbug.