And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend, I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • And if you had not voted, how would we be seeing different right now?

    Do you really think a 3rd party would have won? Do you think Trump would have made any better decisions for anyone besides is rich donors? Would there be more or less genocide happening?

    I know we will actually never know. We do know how to try and hypothesize though.

    Until we make a change in our electoral system there is always going to be this Turd Sandwich vs. Douchebag problem. If Trump wins the next election there will be 0 chance of change or reform for the betterment of the people. Without Trump there is a slightly greater than 0.

    You will probably not actually stop to consider any of these things, I and the other fine folks have mentioned, while setting your bias aside and evaluating your position. But maybe, someone else reading through the threads here Will stop and think about some of the things being brought up here.

    Even with the insane ease of communication we have now with the internet, we cannot as a country of human people, set aside our biases and figure out how to coordinate to any degree to show a mass/collective message.

    I have said for decades, if we all just say “Fuck This” and vote for 3rd parties instead of the 2 picked for us it would send a message to those parties about what we actually want AND show us the power our vote really has when apply ourselves. We would need people to actually register to vote and then Vote! The amount of the population that does is fucking laughable though, so I guess they feel it’s fine, and that’s their vote too.

    Obligitory 🎶🎵Freewill lyrics🎶🎵 ~Rush

  • Piping in with some odd history info. They were originally made to give theater patrons something to watch while the main film was re-wound. Theaters used to play the same movie on repeat all day until they got a new film, then it was that movie all day. There were no “move times”. If you showed up midway you just stayed until it repeated so you could catch the beginning. Also why news reels and other visual media would get played.

    Psycho made the change to set times. Hitchcock did not want anyone to accidentally see the end without starting from the beginning. Shortly after that those movie trailers got bastardized into the ads we now know them as.

  • Never leave them alone together and it should be OK. We had an adult who was just a little funny in the head. Big super fluffy orange tabby. We had a small candle in the middle of our coffee table burning. Somehow, this crazy head decided it would then be good, while we were watching a movie, to do his most acrobatic love stretches around our legs and the coffee table. As we tried to push him away from the table a little his tail was moving around like a little periscope, or feeler, or something… next thing we knew, as he finally did move away, there was a little perfect tiny flame on the very tippy tips of his tail hair as he ran off. Of course I jumped forward to put him out, which he thought was a chase game and took off. I was young and able to dive and tackle him to make sure he didn’t burst into flames or something. Just a couple burnt hairs, gross smell, and lost trust with me for the next day or so because of the tackle. He was super “special” his whole life and did things none of our other cats have. But, it put me on guard for the possibilities that exist and I’m super cautious with flames and fur going forward.

  • Check the HR, insurance extras or employee perks whatever page or call the insurance about Behavioral Health programs. Some companies (not enough by far) have some free or lower cost providers in those programs. Not just EAP, which is also a great offering, just usually not long term. Some, it may just be “virtual in-network visits” are discounted over “in person” visits or something simple. A common obe I see is ~5-8 free w/the matched provider then it rolls into the benefit payments if you keep them going.

    Its all a very dumb game and I try to pass along any “tricks” I can find to make the system remotely usable. If anyone has any, throw 'em my way!

  • Far-right influencer Rogan O’Handley went so far as to suggest that if the Chiefs won the Super Bowl, Swift and Kelce would trigger an apocalyptic chain of events that would kill millions. “You MUST defeat the Chiefs,” O’Handley wrote in an X post addressed to the San Francisco 49ers. “If you don’t, Mr. Pfizer and his girlfriend are going to tour the country as ‘world champions’ helping elect Joe Biden WW3 will likely follow in a 2nd Biden term and millions will die. The fate of the free world rests upon your shoulders”

    Just wow. Only a tidbit of the crazy they are spouting in this article.