
An invincible wolf man, who is like a wolf in every regard save for the fact that he can fly.

(Note: This might be misinformation)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • We’re having an unusually cool year so far in Alberta. It’s been quite chilly even. This has been the first hot weekend, peaking later today, and you wouldn’t believe the number of idiots on social media who think this one cold year has single-handedly disproved climate change. Meanwhile they’ve conveniently forgotten the absolute fucking nightmare the last five summers have been, with smoke-choked skies and perpetual respiratory pain. Though many of them also think the Liberals in Ottawa sent agents out last year to start the wildfires by arson in order to perpetuate the myth of climate change. There is really no winning with these stupid fucks.

  • No, but I miss the days of smaller forums with user recognition. The last time I really recognized a user that wasn’t a mass repost bot was a user on the r/stalker (game) sub-reddit by the name of CeliceTheGreat. Every interaction and opinion we ever had were seemingly in solidarity with one another, and it was always a pleasure to encounter him on other subs occasionally. I doubt he was any more Russian than I am (American/Canadian), but I miss you, comrade, and think of you often.

  • I have managed a produce department for six years and watched it happen myself. The price increases aren’t being decided at the store level, though you’d be hard pressed to convince most crotchety old ladies that the managers don’t gather every week in crimson robes by candlelight and chant the latest price hikes. They are absolutely happening via the warehouses and the middlemen, though.

    Everyone seeks to maintain or increase their margins, beginning with the farmers (who are likely adjusting for costs), and hiked greatly by the middlemen to make a larger profit. By the time the oranges are in the store’s hands, that 30% margin the store needs to maintain a profit is now calculated off a much higher number to begin with. All I can really do (and I’m lucky, as not every owner/operator allows this kind of autonomy) is shop around various third-parties and local businesses to try to secure the best price I possibly can, and in turn offer the best sale I possibly can at the store level. This gets a lot harder during the winter months, though.

    As a shopper myself, however, I don’t really see this at many other stores. Especially those operating under corporate rules, like Sobeys, Safeway and Superstore. I sell apples at 1.69 to 1.99 /lb., while my competitors sell them at 2.49 to 2.99 /lb. year round. Why people continue to buy their produce there I couldn’t say.

  • My wife and I just bought my first home this week. The market is fucking brutal. You think you’re getting in early to view a new listing and there are ten other realtors’ cards already on the kitchen table. Made the highest offer? Fuck you. This guy out of Vancouver offered market price with zero conditions. House is old as hell and really should have had an inspection. OH WELL! SUCK A DICK! 🤷

    We wound up getting exactly what we had been waiting for. House was on the market for 13 hours, we were the first to make an offer, sellers accepted almost immediately. Inspection went well. Detached home in a cozy little cul-de-sac. Lush back yard with a high, solid fence. Dude, I can’t fucking wait. I’ve been in a townhouse with a back 40 that looks like the dormatories of a Russian mining complex.