• 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • Thanks for the answers. I guess that was not clear from my post, but I do not want to expose anything to the internet. All I want to do is tidy up the urls to the services for clarity. I have no issue with installing Tailscale on every device I want to access my services with. I can currently access any service just fine by doing “tailscaleIP:PortOfService”, but that is kind of unpractical. So by using my domain and Cloudflare DNS I changed it to “mydomain.com:PortOfService” which is already better, but means I have to look up what port the service I need uses. Like I said in my post I’d ideally like “nameOfService.mydomain.com”, no ports. And yes I realize this is purely for convenience/aesthetic reasons. Apologies if my words are not clear enough.

  • I mean… Of course everyone feels different, but I personally didn’t mind the lockdown at all because of those exact reasons. Yes, I like being home, I like being alone, and while I also like going out and seeing friends from time to time, knowing that they also can’t go out took the FOMO away that often motivates me to participate in social activities.

    I honestly did not notice a big change in my lifestyle or emotional state during the lockdown, while some extrovert friends spiralled pretty hard.

    But once again, those feelings are different for everyone. I just don’t like generalising. My extroverted friends are also very respectful and give me space when I need it or ask for it, so acting like extroverts are just assholes with no regard for their friends makes me think some of you need better friends.