I live in redneck territory. It’s the rule not the exception. I drive a tiny car.
I’m the guy in this picture lol
I live in redneck territory. It’s the rule not the exception. I drive a tiny car.
I’m the guy in this picture lol
Hmmm I’d say an f250 raised on shitty eBay tires with illegal tint rolling coal out the back onto another slower smaller car. THATS America. The Hummer is not a very popular car over here, I’m pretty sure the Ford Taurus outsold the Hummer like 3:1
I remember reading undertales code is nightmare fuel.
Killing floor 1 is only 6gb. Just saying…
I’ve had Gboard since like android 6!? I had no idea these were even here!!! Wow!
Shame, you should get your hypothalamus checked.
LMFAO I’m so glad I clicked on that
That’s not what boobs are for bro. Not even at all. Say sike.
This might have been satire
Ever seen the documentary “Snowpiercer”?
Yea I worded it wrong. In Firefox I turned off JavaScript.
All I know is that when I disabled java in Firefox:config
It loaded the gpt.com page or whatever it is and you can type but never submit anything.
I bought the wrong motherboard…so I’m out of budget for a GPU now. So I’ll be saving up for a whole new system.
I ordered the right mobo but I think this thread smacked some sense into me. I need to just do a full upgrade.
It breaks gpt when you do that too.
As a 2nd amendment loving American, I cosign your idea. I’m fine with getting a license to purchase more ammo.
However, I’ll make my own before I pay extortion prices.
And hookers.
And blow!