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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.detoich_iel@feddit.deich🚗iel
    18 days ago

    Man könnte auch argumentieren dass man damit vielleicht es zu einem Statussymbol macht und das ist im allgemeinen aber auch Grade in Deutschland sehr wirksam.

    Das Problem, z.b. der cybertruck, das Teil macht null Sinn. E-motor sind einfach nicht die Lösung für Trucks oder lwks. Die Batterien sind zu schwer und versauen dir das ganze.

    Für den Wandel muss nicht alles E-motor sein. Mehr Züge und Zugverbindungen, vielleicht Wasserstoff für lwks.

    Dass Tesla e-lwks machen will/wollte, zeigt dass es ihnen nicht nur bessere und günstige Technologie geht. Sondern dass sie den eigenen Hype glauben ohne Einschränkungen und dass aus ihrer Sicht Tesla natürlich ein Premium Produkt ist.

  • You seem confused by what I meant.

    I am not saying criticizing the culture and expectations is morally wrong and should be punished. I am saying if you have an entertainment job and your job is comedy then it is your job to understand the culture and expectations to make funny jokes. They are struggling with “hate” because they experience the criticism that they want to cast on the culture. And they get the criticism because they fail at being a comedian. They don’t understand the culture and expectations of their audience. Unless they do and they aren’t actually bothered by being “cancelled” because they just lean into reactionary politics. Do you see how concluding that someone is failing to adapt to a changing market isn’t the same as saying the change is good. I am sure the housing market in east Ukraine isn’t great and buying a house there now is probably a bad idea, isn’t the same as saying it is good that Russia is invading them.

    “Comedy is about criticizing culture” no. There are wordplays. Nothing about them is criticizing culture. There is a kind of comedy that is about criticizing. That doesn’t mean that as a professional comedian, you need to do that. So as a professional comedian, you choose that kind of comedy and then you choose what kind of jokes you want to make. There are many, even political, comedians that criticize the Public, and they don’t get “cancelled”. Because they understand what kind of audience they have. Which as a professional is your job. And lastly there are a few things that you can criticize, you can punch down, straight and up. If you are mad that the “woke” don’t like it when you punish down, which you do as a successful comedian, when you criticize “vocal minorities” or make fun of the struggle of the average person. Then maybe realize that if you want to do that comedy, laugh with the average person and punch up or straight. Remember, you want your audience to think it is funny too. If you don’t like that power from the bottom controls the state, then you just don’t like democracy and that is fair but then I would suggest you fight that before trying to specifically and exclusively save “punch down” jokes.

    “You are contradicting yourself” I am not. Let’s say I have 50million fans in America. I am touring and make millions. Then a “minority” of people in America are my fans. I was mocking the use of “minority” because if the small vocal minorities have such a influence on the public that I am losing fans then maybe… Just maybe… It isn’t a minority of people. Or at least the overlap of my fans and that “minority” is pretty big. Maybe you are just out of touch with your audience. And in the end, if people don’t like your act, people don’t like your act. Your act sucks in the “getting good reactions” department.

    “Woke idealism can’t accept criticism” mhm ok sure buddy. “Woke” person: “I don’t like this comedian because I think his jokes are offensive” comedian: “I am being cancelled😭😭😭 why can’t they take criticism???😭😭😭 Comedy is about freedom of speech 😭😭😭 why are they taking their liberty to speak and use it to criticize my culture???😭😭😭 They can’t take a joke😭😭😭” I mean the comedians really handle the criticism well. You are right. Cringe “woke” people. Ha.

  • The irony is that you agree with me that they need to understand expectations and culture while dismissing my point about the lack of understanding the culture and expectations, because otherwise they wouldn’t need to complain about struggling with the expectations and culture of today. You can claim that it is a small minority that creates the issue but if they are actually impacted by the minority than that minority might be the minority of people who used to like their stuff.

    There is a “minority” of people that don’t like my posts here. I am not complaining about it. Because it isn’t affecting me and why is that? Because they aren’t my customers. Comedians have the same situation, if the minority aren’t their customers, they have no reason to care, but they do because it is their customers.

    So in essence, you agree with the fact that you need to understand expectations and culture for comedy, and I am saying through the fact that they complain about culture, shows that they don’t understand their job and got lucky that they happen to be in tune with the culture of the past because they wouldn’t know how to fit in that culture if they aren’t in it already anyway.

  • Tartas1995@discuss.tchncs.detoich_iel@feddit.deich🏴iel
    3 months ago

    Der alte Mann ist unglücklich weil jemand ihn darauf hinweisen hat, dass wenn er Leute die das Bürgergeld beziehen nicht in Misskredit bringen will, sollte er sich nicht so auf die eigenen wenigen “Komplettverweigern” fokussieren in seiner Reden über das Bürgergeld. Zumal wenn es so ein kleiner Prozentsatz ist.

  • Pickup artist aren’t unpopular young men. A lot of young men are unpopular but not all become misogynistic. Not all misogynistic unpopular young men act on those feelings and become assholes and not all misogynistic asshole become pickup artists.

    I had enough friends who struggled with rejection and some misogyny who turned around long before becoming a pickup artist.

  • I kinda get the female orgasm thing like woman were shamed for anything remotely sexual and I guess a lot or even most women tried to hide anything and everything. Obviously men didn’t learned or cared about pleasure for the wife, even if they truly would love and adore them and would be willing to enjoy it together. But of course, a lot of, or even most men were fucking toxic shit bags.

    Not saying it isn’t ridiculous but like there is some stupid feedback shit.

    Clitoris denial just seems random to me

  • The argument is basically that it does too much and as the motto of Unix was basically “make it do 1 thing and that very well”, systemd goes against that idea.

    You might think it is silly because what is the issue with it doing many things. Arguably, it harms customization and adaptability, as you can’t run only 2/3 of systemd with 1/3 being replaced with that super specific optimisation for your specific use case. Additional, again arguably, it apparently makes it harder to make it secure as it has a bigger attack surface.