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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Because Elmo demands that his people redesign the idea of a car from the ground up, just because he wants to prove he’s The Most Special Boy. Remember when they were having all those problems with power steering, and they were like, “hey, our company is basically brand new, we’re still working out some kinks.”

    Like, power steering has been solved for a long time now, there’s no need to try to reinvent it.

    I’m surprised that they haven’t released any cars with three, five, or six wheels yet.

  • No, the Indian government can’t do anything to a website that isn’t based in Indian territory.

    A good example is a recent giant investigation by Reuters into an Indian hacker-for-hire company, and the man who founded (and made hundreds of millions of dollars off of) it. The man sued Reuters over it, and an Indian court found the article “indicative of defamation.” I believe Reuters is appealing, or there is something ongoing. In the meantime, they took the article down worldwide. Why? Because they have offices in India, and employees there, and the Indian government could punish those branches if the article stayed online in other parts of the world.

    In this case, they’ve deployed similar tactics to pressure international companies to block the website.

    Meanwhile, the New Yorker and The Daily Beast have large articles up based on the Reuters investigation, because they have no branches in India, and thus give no fucks about what their courts say. The original Reuters expose is also still available on the Internet archive.