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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Personally I would recommend to use regex instead for parsing, which would also allow you to more easily test your expressions. You could then get the list as

    import re
    result = re.findall(r'[\w_]+|\S',  yourstring)  # This will preserve ULLONG_MAX as a single word if that's what you want

    As for what’s wrong with your expressions:

    First expression: Once you hit (, OneOrMore(Char(printables)) will take over and continue matching every printable char. Instead you should use OR (|) with the alphanumerical first for priority OneOrMore(word | Char(printables))

    Second expression. You’re running into the same issue with your use of +. Once string.punctuation takes over, it will continue matching until it encounters a char that is not a punctuation and then stop the matching. Instead you can write:

    parser = OneOrMore(Word(alphanums) | Word(string.punctuation))
    result = parser.parseString(yourstring)

    Do note that underscore is considered a punctutation so ULLONG_MAX will be split, not sure if that’s what you want or not.

  • I don’t have any experience with pipx and personally prefer to just skip the .toml and place the whole pyprojectsetup in setup.py.

    With that method, I would write inside setup()

    packages=find_packages()  # Include every python packages
    package_data={  # Specify additional data files
        'yourpackagename': [

    This would however require you to have a package folder which all your package files/folders are inside, meaning the top level repo folder should not have any files or other folders that you want to distribute. Your MANIFEST.in looks fine.

  • As others have suggested, ffmpeg is a great cli tool. If you aren’t comfortable with the terminal you can do it via python like this:

    import os
    import sys
    import subprocess
    def crop_media(file_name: str, w: int, h: int, x: int, y: int, new_dir: str) -> None:
            subprocess.run(f'ffmpeg -i "{file_name}" -vf "crop={w}:{h}:{x}:{y}" temp.gif -y',
                               shell=True, check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
            os.rename('temp.gif', os.path.join(new_dir, file_name))
        # Print the error and continue with other gifs, remove try block if you want a complete stop
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print('KeyboardInterrupt, cleaning up files...')
    def crop_directory(directory: str, w: int, h: int, x: int, y: int, new_dir: str) -> None:
        for root, _, files in directory:
            for file in files:
                if not file.endswith('.gif'):
                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(new_dir, file)):
                    print(f'{file} already exists in {new_dir}, skipping...')
                file_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, file))
                crop_media(file_path, w, h, x, y, new_dir)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        width = 0
        height = 0
        x_offset = 0
        y_offset = 0
        gif_directory = ''
        new_directory = ''
        crop_directory(gif_directory, width, height, x_offset, y_offset, new_directory)

    This should go through every file in the directory and subdirectories and call the ffmpeg command on each .gif. With new_directory you can set a directory to store every cropped .gif. The ffmpeg command is based on johnpiers suggestion.

    The script assumes unique filenames for each gif and should work with spaces in the filenames. If they aren’t unique, you can just remove the new_directory part, but you will then lose the original gif that you cropped.

  • Wheels is something you use when packaging your module for upload. You will automatically use a wheel package if the module you are downloading was uploaded using wheels and your pc config is compatible with the wheel package.

    What wheels does is it pre builds the module for a given system (doesn’t need to be a very specific system) so that you don’t have to do it locally when installing (if you got a compatible config).

    It’s not something users have to think about, for them wheel package == smaller and faster install. Pip will by default prioritise wheel package over source.

  • Obviously this is opinionated and I won’t pretend it’s the only correct way, but a few things that stood out to me was.

    • inconsistent use of type hinting. You type hint the “elem” arg for process_content and nothing else. Personally I use type hints religiously, but at the very least I would type hint every arg. The type may be obvious to you now, but it may not in 6 months, or for others who want to contribute.

    • while on the topics of type hints, you use “#” to comment the purpose of each function, but you really should use docstrings instead. Text editors supporting python will then use the docstrings to show users the description of each function without you having to jump to the declaration to read the description. It’s particularly useful when you got multiple modules. For some IDEs like pycharm, the same format works on variables too.

    • You should wrap up your bottom infinite loop in if __name__ == '__main__': to avoid getting locked if you down the line want to reuse the class/module and import it into another file.

    And the most opinionated point of them all:

    • I would recommend running a linter like pylint to warn about potential code smells. E.g. you’re redefining the python built-in “id”, no exception types are specified in your try blocks, too many branches and statements in process_content() which would probably benefit from being segmented into smaller functions, lines that are twice as long as the recommended length, wrong import order, etc… (these are purely pylint feedback)

    I assume the setup is the same with GitHub’s ci, but with GitLab you can automate pylint to check the the code with this:

      image: python:3.10
        - pip install pylint
        - pylint *folder*```