• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • They have a cure already. They have giant walls, the iron dome missile defense system, hundreds of drones patrolling Gaza, supposedly a state of the art intelligence apparatus, mass mandatory recruitment (well… Except for the orthodox Jews), large towers, fences, etc. There’s a reason this is unprecedented. They just had their resources positioned to take over West Bank settlements instead, and ignored warnings from multiple sources about an imminent attack. Their leadership fucked up. And are continuing to fuck up by positioning the rest of the world against their genocide.

    The thing is more genocide won’t fix the cancer. The US figured that out in Vietnam, North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. It just makes the survivors want to kill you more. That doesn’t fix the cancer like you think it does. It was fine for the US to fuck up those other places because we can just leave and we often make a bunch of money during the conflict, but Israel can’t. They need to learn to coexist, take lessons from places like South Africa, or the UK and IRA. It was actually negotiating that stopped the attacks in those places. They tried the killing everyone thing for awhile but it doesn’t work.

    Personally, I think the cure is teaming up with a local alternative secular group, like the PLO, and empowering them without undermining their authority and support by doing things like the shit they do in the West Bank, or preventing travel between the two sectors from, or controlling their water, power, food supply, etc, or giving up on negotiations because Hamas does an unrelated terrorism. It’s like negotiating with MLK, Jr so you don’t have to negotiate with Malcolm X. Hamas has negative popularity but no one has the resources to stop them, and no random civilians are going to bother trying to while Israel controls more aspects of their daily life in a more obviously negative way (electricity, water quality, incoming supplies, travel, work visas, drone buzzing, etc.). And to demand you do before helping them even though you have all the power in the relationship is like the cops telling a mom and pop shop to try fighting the mafia first before they do something about the mafia extorting them.

  • Holy strawman! I never said all the Israelis have to leave. I said they should share the land, like every other developed country in the world that has black people and white people that live in the same areas, or natives and immigrants, etc. I’m not against immigration, I’m against using it as manpower to violently disposess natives and sweep people from their homes, then giving the immigrants better rights while pushing the people who lived there to smaller and farther areas until you get all their land. You know, settler colonialism. Just give everyone the same rights and protections.

    There’s a reason there’s only 20% Palestinian Israelis. They were all violently kicked out, then kept in these small, dense settlements of Gaza and the West Banks, and they need special citizenship and passports to travel to Israel or even from one to the other.

    I was talking about the nakba, but the West Bank settlements also applies, I suppose. We can call them illegal, but Netanyahu has christened a bunch of them despite what the international community thinks, and it’s still happening.

  • Really good write up! I appreciate the effort put into it.

    It is really sad the persecution of Jewish people, and I definitely sympathize. But the only part I want to clarify is that you kind of glossed over the nakba in that part where the British stopped holding the peace. If it was just a small continuous trickle of Jewish refugees into Palestine, no one would have a problem with it, except for the normal anti-immigration folks. But it’s that part where you decide to give part of the country away and then the violent disposession of people from their homes to enforce it that seems wrong, and should ring familiar with those who know about the genocide of the Indians in the US.

    But I blame the British and UN, too. They’re the ones who offered to cut pieces away from a country to offer to the immigrants. It’s like if your landlord came in and said you’re going to have to rent one of your bedrooms to his nephew, and even though you’re the one who lives there and pays rent, you can’t argue because he’s the landlord.

    And I even understand the desire to secure a homeland at all costs after such a huge, terrible event of the holocaust. But that doesn’t mean I agree with it, and the consequences continue to reverberate to this day show partly why. Working for peace and seeing the signs of fascism to prevent it from happening again is the answer, not a might makes right apartheid ethnostate. There’s some lesson here about violence leading to violence.

    Black people have gone through their own shit here in the United States, and while some people have suggested just leaving the country and making their own place in Africa, I think Martin Luther King, Jr’s dream was a much better idea (seriously, read the history of Liberia, it’s filled with violence and oppression towards the natives followed by them rising up, and then civil wars even into the 2000’s). Just make the place here the kind of place that’s better. And while it’s not perfect, it’s way better than it used to be, and I think he was proven right.