Challenge defeatism.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • people migrate illegally from everywhere. you’re suggesting the UK should fix what exactly? every undeveloped nation everywhere?

    I mean, not on its own, no, and only those nations from which it’s reciving the bulk of the immigrants. But long term that is the only viable option. As I understand it these are not people who are leaving their country because they particularly want to, they leave because things are so bad at home that literally risking their lives is better than staying. I imagine given the chance they’d prefer to stay at home, so at some point we need to help ensure that’s possible.

    In the mean time a refugee camp of sorts would allow them to remain in their own country and provide suitable housing etc, meaning they wouldn’t have to leave in the first place.

  • I mean, I don’t disagree per say, but I do think people tend to approach the use of technology in too a binary way. To take your example regarding carbon capture vs holding companies accountable - we can do both, and I’d prefer we deploy every option, idea and ‘1 in a million chance’ as we’re long past having the luxury of waiting. At least that way we can say we tried everything we could.

  • I mean, I don’t disagree but ultimately it’s going to be which ever option goes down the easiest with the general population: ‘eat less beef’ or ‘continue eating beef’. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for reducing the amount of meat we eat in general, and I’ve been doing that myself, but from my uneducated view-point lab grown meat appears to offer greater benefits, and fewer disbenefits compared to trying to persuade people to adopt the current alternatives. Not just from a environmental point of view but ethical as well.

    And don’t forget: we can do both. We can research improvements to lab grown meat and other alternatives at the same time. These shouldn’t be binary choices.