Lemmy shouldn’t have avatars, banners, or bios

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Aa!@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteTNG v DS9
    1 month ago

    I’m not saying fan theories aren’t allowed, I just said I’m not a fan of it.

    I would hardly call their outings “secret” when it involves Kira getting into costume and walking clear across the promenade before deciding the holosuite isn’t for her. I just didn’t interpret any of the details as “hints they were dating” when the simpler “friends going out to do something fun” was not only on the table, it was clearly the intention of the scene.

    For the record, I didn’t see Garak and Julian as dating either. Sure, Garak may have been trying, but Julian was more enamored with the spy scenario and intrigue than Garak himself as a potential partner

  • Aa!@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteTNG v DS9
    1 month ago

    Honestly, I’m not the biggest fan of the tendency to interpret platonic relationships as sexual ones. I do get the desire for more representation, but I just wish the community wasn’t so willing to ignore regular old platonic friendships.

    I’m sure that comes mostly from me as a guy who puts more emphasis on strong platonic bonds than sexual relationships. But I just don’t see Julian and O’Brien’s “bromance” as a boyfriend relationship, nor did I see Kira and Jadzia’s as dating either.

  • In the 90s, the local Taco Bells in Portland had a menu item called “Mexi-nuggets” which were a Mexican spiced tater tot. In the combo meals, they filled the role of fries like you get in your burger combo (like the two tacos and Mexi-nugget combo)

    I was quite surprised to find out the stores in Washington didn’t sell them, and instead of Mexi-nuggets, the combos just had… Another taco.

    They were delicious, and I still think about them

  • WSL has replaced my use of the command prompt in Windows for anything (and I used it more than most, I think).

    In my job, I develop Linux applications to support industrial automation, and WSL is capable of building and running most of what I make. It isn’t a full Linux machine, and can behave unexpectedly when trying to do things like changing certain network configurations.

    So it’s great for what it’s for, really. But if you want a full VM, this isn’t really for that.

  • The big reason is not really justification to support Hamas, but Israel has absolutely not been the good guys in this situation. We all should support Palestine in the face of Israel treating them so badly.

    Hamas is a Palestinian group that is fighting them, which is why the anti-Israel folks will often support that. Unfortunately with news like this (and this isn’t the first or the last of it) it’s hard to support either side.

    For what it’s worth, I think you can support Palestine without supporting Hamas. But it’s pretty easy for us to make judgment when it’s not our homes and families being harmed.

  • For me it’s because I don’t use YouTube for that. I don’t watch channels or personalities. If I go to YouTube, I’m there searching for something specific.

    And when I find the video that shows me how to open my key fob to replace the battery, I’m not interested in a series of key fob videos. If I watch a video related to a news story, I’m not interested in all the reaction videos or analyses by people who don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m most certainly not interested in any other video with a thumbnail of someone with their mouth agape at something

    I don’t want it suggesting more of them, and I certainly don’t want it automatically advancing to some other video after it’s done. All I want is a video host that plays the videos I asked to watch. Everything else is just a reminder that the kind of videos they push are the exact kinds of videos I don’t want to watch.

    They get in the way, they draw attention to the wrong things, and they encourage people to make more of the kinds of videos that get in the way of finding the actual useful information

  • I guess the main things would be:

    • As a beginner, don’t bother trying to dual boot – If you still need a Windows box, get some cheap hardware to do your Linux work on. It’s too easy to screw up both systems otherwise.
    • Don’t get too hung up on a specific distro, the better you are at dealing with different configurations, the better prepared you will be for whatever comes. Once you’ve gotten one set up, don’t be afraid to just try a different one.