“For the hoes in the back, and the crackers in they slacks; if I tweet, then delete, then I meant it.” – JPEGMAFIA.

https://readsettlers.org || I don’t address myself to settlers, their adjacencies, or those who sound like them. Unhousebroken .world and .works users get blocked on sight.

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • So the read of this article seems to be ‘Amerika’s going to keep bald-faced lying to its people that some flavor of collapse isn’t on the horizon for the global West’. A sort of, ‘no, China’s going to collapse before we do and we’re going to stay on top, Amerika uber alles’ kind of thing? Either way, I’m not sure why this is going to be lashed into campaign season when we know the DNC’s going to run the exact same playbook they did last cycle, and it’s going to once again be a competition between two detestable old white men.

  • Fuck does their lame duck efforts mean in the face of one of their own, dyed in the tie, saying “under no circumstances will we pay for the conditions we fostered”? This is proof positive that where it matters, they’re the same kind of conservatives I fight. But y’know, keep screeching about ‘anti-American bot farms’ as much as you want; it’s a tried-and-true playbook for you settlers. Y’all just cannot handle the slightest criticism without shrieking about “russian disinfo” this and “bot farm” that and it’s honestly childish.

    And since we’re playing the editing game now, yes, America contributes to a piddly little slush fund that less than a percentage of their yearly budget goes into; while they spend billions and trillions on the same war machines doing the lion’s share of the polluting that’s wrecking said developing countries. This is less than zero-sum; they might as well not even be trying-- which is why actual reparations are necessary. Dunno why I’m wasting my time trying to explain my animus to you, considering Americans seem to have this unique inability to understand necessities for reparations across the board.