• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • These small devices also leak formaldehyde

    Anytime I see this cited, I summarily dismiss the entirety of the article in question.

    Why? Because you know what produces formaldehyde? Humans do.

    So does a leaf blower produce less formaldehyde than the mouth breather in the break room at work? More than a Taylor Swift concert? Can’t tell without numbers… If you’re just gonna say that leaf blowers should be banned because formaldehyde, are you also suggesting genocide?

  • Soviet Union was big, included many states. Socialist economy imploded, Soviet Union became Soviet non-union. States declared sovereignty as independent countries (mass brexits, kinda?).

    Russia, who used to be able to socialize assets from all the smaller countries, wants to be able to socialize the assets again, and as a bonus, is salty because some of those countries are hooking up with NATO, which is by and large a union of capitalism…

    Instead of trying to create a union again, and getting others to join via diplomacy or negotiation, Russia is just trying to press its neighbors into joining the reformed union via military occupation, and hit a slight snag with Ukraine, because all this shit is a little too recent for Ukraine to have forgotten how shitty a lada is.

  • Nothing new here… I’ve never once used edge for anything except downloading Firefox, but that has nothing whatsoever to do with edge, it is entirely due to Internet explorer.

    What problems did I have with Internet explorer? The same tired ass bullshit listed in this article. I was using ie to download Netscape navigator decades ago looking to do away with the pervasive popups and hijacking insisting that I use the Microsoft browser…

    We haven’t just been bitching about it either. They got sued over it. The article is an elbow nudge, after decades of full on sledge hammer hasn’t gotten through. Complete waste of time and effort :)

  • I don’t think we should have patents on tech that helps us live longer, healthier, etc

    That sums up the entirety of my concern actually :). Don’t care about apple watches one bit, but I’d absolutely love to be able to buy my wife a watch that’ll monitor her blood sugar in real time. From what I understand, it’s close to existing, but is being stalled by governments (not just US either) due to concerns about accuracy (preventing dangerous spikes and lows doesn’t require medical grade accuracy…).

  • My opinion is that it’s investors.

    Plenty of people out there buy houses for cash, spruce them up, and sell them for profit to extract some of the equity inherent in real property. Over time, they collectively push up the perceived value by force, and occasionally, the people who are the ultimate source of that equity, the ones looking to buy a permanent home, will stop buying.

    There’s been a chunk of time recently, a decade or maybe more, where those permanent home seekers, the true source of the equity, haven’t been buying property. COVID exasperated the issue, because the flippers went fucking crazy for a couple years and inflated the amount of non-homes. Now they want their equity back out, but nobody who wants an actual home is looking to buy one because there isn’t enough value for them.

    So prices have to come down before the actual source of equity starts buying again. The bubble has to deflate some.

    Again, the entirety of this statement is simply my personal opinion, so grain of salt, but this is what pure logic and critical thinking suggests is the true mechanism :)