Hail the Omnissiah! Praise be to the machine-god.

  • 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • LMAO no they wouldn’t! They chased Rittenhouse down as he fled! No jury on Earth would consider what they did self-defense, you’re completely out of your mind.

    Personal attacks. And of course they chased down the guy waving a gun around.

    She was walking around with a skimpy outfit, she knew what was going to happen.’

    False analogy. Rape is never justified, stopping a gunman is.

    Wisconsin is an open carry state.

    What might technically be lawful is not always sensible.

    Loaded question; it DOESN’T work both ways, especially not when there is only one aggressor.

    Showing up to a riot with a gun is aggressive by its nature. Just like if I stood with a gun in front of your house at all hours.

  • No. That would involve the general public maintaining a consistent position.

    I want knowledge to be free. That means free. That means governments, businesses, NGOs, your local church sewing circle, AIs/LLMs, refugees living in tents, convicts, children, and any other humans or human organizations or anything humans built.

    I am willing to accept a LIMITED duration copyright and patent and private science publication system if it could be reformed such that it the brains behind it were paid and couldn’t legally sign away their compensation. Given that we as a society aren’t willing to build this the best course of action is to actively work to break copyright

  • He showed up to a riot with a gun, he knew what was going to happen. He put himself in a situation where deadly force would just be on be on the line of justifed.

    Duty to retreat includes duty to not show up. It says so much that had the people he murdered not died and instead killed him they would be able to use the same defense he did. We are creating a last man standing justice system.

    A provokes B. They fight. B is murdered. A claims self-defense

    provokes B. They fight. A is murdered. B claims self-defense

    What does it say that the argument works both ways? No other crime operates this way.

  • I don’t think I would want anything to do with her either. It’s not fully rational or fair but it’s the way it is. Her position as his mom means she pretty much has to defend her son’s multiple murder and there are 8 billion people on earth, I don’t have to spend a minute with someone who would do that.

    Plus if I was going to hire her I would wonder how much crap this is going to cost me. It’s not a heavily populated area and the name is rare enough. At best she is going to be neutral at worst she is going to attract the kind of people I don’t want around or infuriate other people.

    I am a parent myself. If you don’t like my kids I don’t like you.