alyaza [they/she]

internet gryphon. admin of Beehaw, mostly publicly interacting with people. nonbinary. they/she

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2022


  • What kind of iffy politics?

    i can’t pretend i know who this guy is but: i’m pretty sure he has iffy politics. i scrolled through the comments on this video the other day (because we’re mentioned in it, and just to get a sense of who watches his videos) and i immediately came away with the sense that his community is full of right-wing freaks who think censorship is when you moderate and who are mad that trans people exist. i think counted at least three blatantly transphobic comments in a brief scroll, and the general vibe of that comment section was like a youtube facsimile of 4chan. as a content creator, you have the agency to make dipshits like that unwelcome–so the fact that he isn’t is uh, telling, imo.