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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2021

  • Verstehe als Schweizer nicht ganz, wie genau das definiert wird. Ich dachte, “Linksextreme” wären Teile der radikalen Linken, welche Gewalt (ob gegen Sachen oder Menschen, defensiv oder offensiv) ausüben (bereits eine komische definition, aber naja).

    Aber im Artikel steht, der Präsident vom Verfassungsschutz “gehe von rund 37.000 Menschen aus, von denen etwa 11.000 gewaltbereit seien”. Also ist eine Mehrheit von “Linksextremen” gar nicht “gewaltbereit” laut Verfassungschutz? Woher wollen die das wissen? Und wer zählt alles denn als “Linksextrem”? Menschen, die das Kapitalistische Wirtschafssystem überwinden möchten? Dann wären ja alle Linken, oder zumindest die meisten, “Linksextrem”. Selbst die Sozialdemorkatische Partei der Schweiz wäre dann ja, laut Ihrem Parteiprogram zumindest, “Linksextrem”… Und die ganzen Umweltaktivisten, welche einen “Systemwechsel” fordern, erst recht. Aber das ist ja auch nichts neues, also was genau hat sich denn geändert? Und wer sind denn genau die “zahlreichen Akteuren aus dem linksextremistischen Spektrum”, zu welchen die Organisation angeblich Kontakte hat? Und natürlich geht es bei zivilem Ungehorsam darum, das Gesetz (vor allem sinnlose Gesetze) zu brechen… Das ist ja der Sinn des ganzen.

    Wirkt alles etwas willkürlich, oder sehe ich das falsch?

  • Yeah, this is what I don’t understand about windows. I get that as an IT professional, I don’t have a much of patience for sluggish system and that average users might not care that much about system responsiveness, but from my anecdotal experience, it has started to bug the average user too.

    Even on a high-end device, windows just doesn’t feel smooth at all. And for some reason, it seems to get worse with every major release. How can you be a major industry leader, have users with more and more performative hardware, but your software seems to perform worse and worse?

  • A normal person should not have to deal with different distros.

    Ideally, clients would get shipped with linux of course, but at the moment, that’s hardly an option. There could also be value in having clients shipped with different distros installed.

    Apple forbids you to install it on a banana. Fuck apple.

    For this reason I would never buy an apple device again. However, I do see the value of having a super stable and controlled environment where it is super hard for users to fuck things up.

  • The few times a have some minor issue on linux, it is probably audio related or related to working with multiple different screens with different refresh rates, resolutions, etc, so you probably have a point.

    However, I did have various issues with audio and multiple screens on windows as well, I would say even more frequently. However, on windows those issues were generally resolved after a restart, on linux I actually had to do some troubleshooting.

  • it is that they don’t have the time and energy to constantly fight their devices to perform simple tasks.

    Nobody wants to constantly fight their devices to perform simple tasks, but that’s exactly the reason why I almost exclusively use linux and get incredibly annoyed when I have to use windows (for business reasons)…

    Sure, linux based systems often take up more time until you find the right system for your needs and for your hardware, you will have some effort to find alternatives to some software that you might be used to and depending on what software you need, linux just won’t be an option for you, but once that everything is set up, at least in my personal experience, things run a lot more consistently and expectedly in my personal experience.

    Maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m just lucky, but I have been using linux exclusively for about 3 years now on a desktop, multiple laptops and obviously servers. Have I experienced any issues? Yes, there were small issues from time to time, but nothing that I would not have with windows. But in terms of day to day operations and performing basic tasks, linux has been the superior user experience for me without a doubt.

    I used to believe that linux is great for servers, and sucks for desktops and laptops, but ever since I made the switch, I have completely changed my mind. I still use windows because I have to, but the most annoying part of switching to linux was that windows has become even more annoying to use.

  • I use Ubuntu as my main operating system in my Desktop, but I always end up feeling very limited.

    I used to use Ubuntu for a long time and had a similar experience where there were constantly annoying issues. I have since distrohopped around and ended up with fedora, which even though it is a more cutting edge distro, the experience has been a lot smoother and more stable, even compared to windows.

    Maybe Linux is not good for beginners working full time?

    I mean any OS takes time until you get fully into it and I would say Linux does take maybe a little more effort simply because there are more options in terms of pretty much everything. First, you need to be familiar with the concept of having different distros and be familiar with the differences between distros. Then you need to actually figure out how to install a new OS, which can be tricky to most people who are not that familiar with IT.

    Another thing is that an experience with an OS can depend largely based on what hardware you are using. That’s why apple strictly controls the hardware on which their OS can run on. Microsoft has also started restricting this slightly. Linux goes the complete opposite direction by trying to allow running linux on any possible system.

  • What’s wrong with your pc

    Are you on windows 11 yet? The only place where I still use windows is my company notebook. And it’s not top notch high end, but it has a ssd, it has a 6 core cpu and it has 16 GB of RAM, yet it still runs like absolute ass.

    With virtually NOTHING going on, it takes about 3 - 5 seconds for task manager to open. Clicking on “processes” takes 5 seconds, not just the first time, but every-time I switch to processes (or pretty much any tab for that matter). I too believed that there was probably an issue with my device or something, but I just had to use a replacement notebook that has even newer hardware and it runs exactly the same…

    Now is that unusable? No, I’m probably a bit nit-picky. But it does absolutely infuriate me that Microsoft seems to struggle more and more with performance with every new windows version, especially when I also work with Linux systems that just are 10 times smoother with half the hardware specs…

    Before windows 11, I would more or less agree with you. Task manager would be reliable even when the machine was struggling. But since I use windows 11, I had task manager crash multiple times.