• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023


  • I read Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein right after Manufacturing Consent and I think that worked really well. It’s got some overlap in content that helps solidify concepts, but it’s a bit more modern and a much easier read (less dry)

    Other recommendations

    If you have any interest in economics:

    • Debt: the last 5000 years by David Graeber
    • the Defecit Myth by Stephanie Kelton

    If you have interest in digital freedoms and copyright law:

    • Chokepoint Capitalism by Rebecca Giblin and Cory Doctorow
    • The Internet Con by Cory Doctorow

  • The coal plants are decommissioning due to costs, renewable energy is booming, and (obviously due to the ban) there is no local nuclear industry or expertise. Even if you manage to lift the ban, which nobody is trying to do*, nuclear would not be replacing coal plants here, but might divert renewable funding. In other countries I have no doubt building more nuclear could offset coal, not here.

    * The coalition claims to be in favour of nuclear power, but they’ve spruiked it before in opposition, and nothing gets tabled when they’re in power. It’s got as much chance of happening as high speed rail.

  • It’s markdown, you should be able to indent your lines by 4 spaces or fence with triple backtics to get code blocks. Your client’s editor may have a button to help

    $file = Get-Content -Path .\individuals2.txt
    foreach ($line in $file)
        Copy-Item -Path .\template.docx -Destination ".\$(2 + $line + '.docs')"


    $file = Get-Content -Path .\individuals2.txt
    foreach ($line in $file)
        Copy-Item -Path .\template.docx -Destination ".\$(2 + $line + '.docs')"