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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The issue is if you tune them out what’s left? It’s most of the content here.

    Hell just the other day there was a “what new tech thing have you done this year?” And 95% of the responses were just some variation of “Installed Mint/PopOS!/Endeavour and started using Firefox.”

    Like it’s great that you’re making the transition, but I was hoping to hear what new self hosting service people got working on their home server, some new residential network installs for security platforms, etc.

    Not just “I changed browsers.”

  • Fascism is also the natural result of unchecked progressivism. Since what you mean by “fascist” is just “Authoritarian.”

    Clearly, as we’ve seen globally and historically, Authoritarianism is the rule rather than the exception whenever extreme right and left wing politics go unchecked. Internally, the left wing Soviets appeared pretty much identical to the right wing Nazis in function, since their attempt at implementing communism was just a state/party run economy.

    I’m so sick of this revisionist history “if we just keep going left nothing “fascist”/Authoritarian can ever happen” bullshit.

  • That’s my only real issue with her is her comment to the Nova class captain about it.

    However, I give her the benefit of the doubt here because she’s clearly trying to encourage him that they don’t need to abandon their morality. If she tells him that she’s done it half a dozen times or so then he might be more likely to assume that’s the standard.

    Now we all know in hindsight that he’d already committed an atrocity and wanted assurance from Janeway that he wasn’t alone in his decisions to prioritize crew over other sapient beings, but she was simply seeing the younger version of herself in him and attempting to assure him that he doesn’t have to give up hope and sink to those depths.

    Voyager has more of a problem with character writing consistency than it does an issue with Janeway specifically, IMO.

  • Exactly, had they not reversed the malfunction Janeway could be considered to have killed two of her crew. That somehow never gets brought up in the philosophy discussions surrounding the episode. Refusal to act when a solution exists makes her complicit in dual homicide.

    Plus! After that one episode in TNG where they de-age replacement Crusher, we have no reason to believe transporters can’t solve literally all of these issues including death. For those not in the know, since the transporter has the last time someone energized stored in their memory banks it can simply reconstruct them as they were. A literal backup snapshot of the person.

    Once that episode airs, all bets are completely off. I mean seriously, you could fix someone getting their head blown off by just transporting them but altering the image to correct for their last time leaving the ship. Death? Fixed. Wounds? Fixed. You can literally pull their backups and reconstruct at any time you want.

    It’s foolish to think this is even a conundrum given that slip up, just duplicate and separate, keep all three. If transporters are really making matter out of energy it shouldn’t matter if there’s three people’s worth of matter, just use more energy.