• 9 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • He’s not wrong but i think he gets the primary and secondary contradictions reversed. He proposes an essentialist explanation for their behavior where as a Marxist i see a straightforwardly materialist one. The widespread religious psychosis is the result of the neo-colonial nature of the entity, not the other way around. The primary motivation of Zionism is material in nature, not religious. It is a neo-colonial project interested in land and resources first and foremost. And it is a proxy outpost for the very much material interests of the empire to control West Asia.

  • When Russia’s Military Intelligence Service, the GRU, tried to poison Sergei Skripal in Salisbury in 2018, the denials by the Russian government were deliberately feeble

    For RUSI, a British think tank to say this is the height of shamelessness and hypocrisy when the British themselves are still the likeliest suspects for that whole incident.

    There has never been any evidence that the Russians were behind it, which is why the Russians denied it every single time the accusations was leveled. Now even denying something is proof that they did it because they didn’t deny it forcefully enough? At some point Russia doesn’t bother anymore to respond to these slanderous accusations because it doesn’t change anything anyway, the western media has already fabricated a narrative.

    Also, i love how they try to make it seem like the hands of the US and UK are oh so clean (apart from targeting people who “deserved it”)…what about the planned assassination of Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for which we have admissions from people who were actually involved when it was discussed? This was even mainstream media news, but hey let’s sweep that under the rug just like the years long incarceration and torture of Assange for revealing war crimes.

  • That’s a very good point, however that internal dissent would hardly exist and would certainly not be sustainable without immense pressure from the streets. It is absolutely essential that the people continue to mobilize in massive and growing protests, and not just protests but all forms of direct action which help to slow down, hamper and sabotage the imperial war machine in its support for the apartheid regime’s genocidal campaign. This will create divisions in the imperial ruling class between those who want to continue the Palestinian genocide at all costs and those who view it as too costly, too unpopular, and as a distraction from their preferred imperial ventures in other theaters. Now that imperial resources are no longer sufficient to fight simultaneously on all fronts, anti-imperialists must seize every opportunity to exacerbate and exploit these divisions between the various factions inside the imperial bureaucracy.

  • It can’t be denied that the imperial narrative control machine is very strong and does manage to convince a lot of people when it comes to Russia and China, but in this case i still think it is a good sign that it failed so spectacularly despite all of the mainstream media’s propaganda efforts and the billions of dollars invested into trying to control the narrative both online and off. The fact is that we have been seeing protests of a size we haven’t seen since the Iraq war, and in which the youth plays a large role much like happened during the Vietnam protests. And unlike is usually the case this time they show no signs of weakening, if anything global outrage continues to grow. Now maybe the whole ceasefire ploy is designed to push the issue back into obscurity and demobilize people while the imperialists continue to slowly and quietly advance the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. But i think that Al-Aqsa Flood represented a paradigm shift and the resistance will no longer allow things to go back to business as usual and will do whatever it takes to keep the issue in the view of the public so that people can’t simply look away from the atrocities that the Zionist regime is committing.

    Maybe both mine and this Twitter user’s analyses are too optimistic, but lately i can’t help but feel hopeful when i look at the bigger picture. Things are possible now in the new multipolar world that simply were not possible before, and maybe a lot of our more doomer instincts are because we have grown so used to how things were before.

  • I think you have missed the point of the article. It is not talking about the Syrian army taking the Zionist entity head on in a conventional conflict. It is fighting them by reducing and eliminating their ISIS proxies in Syria (with the help of Russia), and just like Iran offering support and safe harbor to other resistance groups that launch attacks on the Zionist occupation forces. In case you have not been paying attention, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Ansarallah in Yemen have both been continually attacking the IOF since the Al-Aqsa Flood, while drone and other attacks on US bases in Iraq and Syria are also escalating by the day. This is the asymmetric strategy, it is to inflict death by a thousand cuts on the occupier. The resistance has the patience to outlast the colonizers, and moreover, although this is not obvious to many people, they also have escalation dominance in the region - why else do you think the US panicked and sent entire carrier groups into the Mediterranean and toward the Persian Gulf? But they will escalate at a pace of their choosing and at such time when it has the maximum impact. In the meantime not only is international mood shifting against the US and its neocolony in Palestine the more they continue their crimes against humanity, public opinion across the Arab world is also hardening and support for the Axis of Resistance is skyrocketing.

  • First a correction: there was no “Syrian civil war” it was a NATO hybrid war on Syria, and Syria has essentially won it. As the article points out, the remaining terrorist and US forces are being slowly squeezed more and more. Secondly, as the article also makes clear, this and other military tasks do not all need to be accomplished by the Syrian Arab Army. There are numerous other resistance groups across the region that are already striking occupation forces virtually every day. The Syrian government’s official armed forces are only one part of this larger coalition. I would advise you to carefully read the article again and try to understand the situation that is being portrayed and how assymetric warfare is being waged. The author of this article, Vanessa Beeley, is a well known anti-imperialist journalist with years of experience covering this region and the conflict in Syria in particular, if she says that Syria and its allies are in a good position to push back against imperialist and Zionist forces and their proxies, then i take her at her word, especially since it fits with what other sourced aligned with the axis of resistance are saying as well.

  • As much as we might sometimes like to think otherwise, we communists do not have a monopoly on recognizing reality when it is staring us in the face. It is inevitable that there will be other people coming from a different ideological perspective who also see the objective facts and can make a rational analysis. In general there is only so much narrative management that the imperial establishment can do before reality starts leaking out in various spots all along the political ideological spectrum.

    Of course even when there is a general acknowledgement of the facts and an attempt to apply rational analysis, different people will still come to different conclusions based on their own ideological biases, and as a communist i can say that even when it comes to Ukraine there is a lot that i vehemently disagree with Mearsheimer, Hedges and Chomsky on, let alone the war criminal Kissinger (but this should go without saying and in his case it is clear why he has been saying the things he has because his main interest is in maintaining American global hegemony and he sees that the Ukraine gambit has massively backfired and is threatening the larger imperial project).

    However it is helpful to have this pool of different voices to draw from when trying to educate the average citizen of the West, who is in general extremely ignorant and very much brainwashed by the mainstream media, about the lies that they have been and continue to be told about this conflict. Considering the impending economic crisis that is brewing, if we manage to sufficiently undermine the narrative basis upon which support for this war is built, the imperial establishment may have no choice but to scale down its warmongering until it can restore the control over the narrative lest it faces too much unrest at home. Or it could choose to double down, but at this point i think that would just accelerate their demise.