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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Save WHAT? The gas station takes their bit so I can get to work. The grocery store takes their bit so I can eat to have energy to work, and so I can feed my child. The phone company takes their bit so my boss can keep in touch with me when they want to. The insurance companies take their bits so I can say that I’m insured and have the right to drive, and to put myself deeper in medical debt if anything goes wrong. The landlord takes his bit so I can have a roof over my head. Disney takes their bit so my kid can have her favorite movies and shows on demand because that’s one thing I can give her. And now my coin purse is empty until my employer gives me my bit again. Where do the savings come from, oh wise one?

  • As a millennial growing up I definitely remember the narrative surrounding PTSD. Even for soldiers in war it was hard for the public to understand and wrap their heads around. Even in the late 90s/early 00s, mental health was still a very poorly understood subject in the public consciousness and was just beginning to get the attention it needs, and even though we have a ways to go in that aspect, we are far far better about it as a society than we were 25 years ago.

    That said, I too was relatively recently diagnosed with CPTSD resulting from regular abuse as a child which along with undiagnosed autism contributed to feeling like an outsider growing up and even to this day. I am very selective of what I share about my personal mental health struggles publicly but I always advocate that only those experiencing these struggles can understand them and they need as much empathy as we (society) can spare.